Tuesday 5 June 2012


Not everything out in the countryside is all sweetness and light. Occasionally a small blip arrives to spoil things; in this case it comes in the form of (I presume) a small boy.

We've already had trouble with this neighbour's young son, and I quite suspect that we haven't seen the last of his light-fingered-philandering. Anyway, I'm giving 'whoever' the chance to return what they've half-inched, and I am prepared to leave it at that. If it's returned soon, no more shall be said. Unfortunately it's raining today (Sunday), so he may not pass by to see my sign.

Previously it was a collection of fossils that disappeared from our terrace (his mother made him return them), now it's my garden knife from Haddock's; a bit more alarming than fossils.

I never lock the house, the key is always left in the car, and all our 'things' are left outside on the understanding that people SIMPLY DON'T STEAL. I really hope that my attitude won't have to change, just because one small boy doesn't seem to understand what's his, and what isn't!

I suppose that at some time I may have to accept that the countryside is simply playing catch-up with more traditional urban ways.

p.s. The sign reads 'Put my bloody knife back sharpish; thank you'.

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  1. I suppose it isn't lost in the same way that the milk was mislaid!!!

  2. Annoying,however, if the problem is only with this boy, then the problem may be within the boy! A matter that requires direct confrontation - of course that becomes difficult without hard evidence of his mischief - "Does he have the knife?" - his parents may know!

    1. He's taken one before, but no-one seemed to know from where; his mother thought it may have been ours. This time I'm hoping that my simple sign on the gate will prompt him to return it. He's actually quite a nice boy.... but with a problem.

  3. Mayhap if the problem persists a stealth camera with motion activator is called for? It's a shame, but convincing folk that the fruit of their loins is light-fingered can be very difficult and dangerous. I wish you luck and swift parental understanding Sir.

  4. Oh, how sad, it could be paradise on earth ...
    "It may be the most pious
    not live in peace,
    if the neighbors do not like!"
    Grüße von Jasmin

  5. Shame but I think Owl Wood has a good point. You probably need some evidence to convince the parents that their wonderful son is to blame, presuming that he is, of course.

    1. The parents know that he steals; we've had conversations about it. Unfortunately once someone is known to be 'light-fingered', one always think of HIM when something goes missing, when it could easily be someone else. Reputations are quickly made.

  6. Even in paradise one should lock their doors.

  7. Yes, it becomes a sad day when there is trust lost and one can no longer leave things lying around. I hope he returns it soon.
    Last summer our neighbor up the hill was robbed in broad daylight on a Saturday, and ever since, we have been more on watch.

  8. you could put him on edge and take him a cake or something.....
    I was always happy our naughty neighbor boys knew Jim was with the FBI but, that didn't stop them from stealing our hammock right off the trees! But, that's been many years ago. We ran into one of them at a political rally recently and he has actually turned into a decent sort of fellow.

  9. as long as the little bugger doesnt start killing the hens...
    serial killers start this way!!!

  10. As you know, Mr. M, this is what I deal with almost on a daily basis. Everything, and I mean everything has to be locked up, and then in the morning, I get everything out to the patio to enjoy, then at dark, everything is locked up again. I get very tired of it, but until management changes, or I move this trailer, I have to adjust according to my situation.
    Like you mentioned on my blog a week or so ago, "Bloody neighbors", I agree.
    Try to have a wonderful week in Paradise to you and the Lovely Lady M.

  11. Cro...sorry for your loss....hopefully the young crook will repent ! The Caunes marble fete is 23/24 June. If you get down here for it, let me know,it would be good to meet. J.

  12. I thought the sign was clever. :)

  13. The sign did make me laugh - shades of Dennis-the-Menace I suspect! Let's hope that your light-fingered young neighbour can read!

  14. Replies
    1. It's Wednesday, so no school. I hope he'll pass by today and see it!
