Thursday 21 June 2012

Ex Alumni.

Old school friends never part, they just change continents.

Here is Lady Magnon with her old school friend W, who presently lives in Evanston Illinois (USA). Both attended the same School in Bethesda, Washington DC, way back in the 19**'s, and they were also Brownies together (Oh how I would loved to have seen that!).

W and her husband Dr P are on a quick tour of France and called in yesterday for a light lunch. I imagine the girls could have chatted for weeks about 'the good old days', but W's next destination was beckoning. They were off to visit the fabulous painted Pech Merle caves at Cabrerets, north east of Cahors.

They were such good friends all those years ago, and as far as I can see, nothing has really changed.

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  1. There is nothing like old friends. After a lapse of several years it can be as though one hasn't been apart.

    I lost touch with most of my school friends on coming to N.Z. but got in touch with several when I got my first computer and it is just great.

    1. Mountain Ash? Julia Hearn?

    2. They are two I haven't got in touch with - I wonder what happened to them. It is always more difficult tracing women as they tend to change their names.

    3. Scott - she wrote to me but mother decided not to forward the letter on so I have lost touch. There were several others like that.

  2. It is great that they have kept in touch - I recently met up with an old school friend after not seeing her for 40 years - it was weird but nice - when we were last together we were girls about town - now we're a couple of old biddies. Hey ho!

  3. Peche Merle is very interesting. Hope your friends find some decent weather there in the Lot -- not that it matters much in the cave. (It's northeast of Cahors, actually ;-) )

    I've managed to keep in touch with my closest friends from the age of 10 through High School and beyond. It's always like we've never been out of touch.

    1. Thanks TB; I've now changed it from south to north east.... Woops!

  4. Lucky girls to still have such friendship. I have drifted away from mine, sad but true.

  5. I am still close to my friend I have had since I was three. We do not live close by to each other but she is part of my heart.

    1. The oldest (longest term) friends are always the best!

  6. Sweet photo. Because of the Internet, i've been able to reconnect with old school chums. It's been grand.

  7. lovely! both the reconnecting of old friends and your clear affection for Lady M. sweet post.
