Monday 7 May 2012

The Spoils of Travel.

All great adventurers return with souvenirs of their travels; Raleigh returned with Tobacco, Drake with the Potato, and Cook with Australia.

As Australia itself had already been taken, Lady Magnon needed to look around for other spoils, and came away with the above. Sauces, honey, creams, beef jerky (for me), bikkies, tea, nuts, magazines, and just about anything else she could force into her luggage.

After 6 weeks away, 12 different flights, and non-stop fun, her return to France was heralded by an unbelievably vicious hail storm.

I've just been out to check the compact Royce; I was quite expecting it to look like the surface of a golf ball, but all is OK..... unlike Haddock's where certain plants are looking a little shredded.

Welcome home Lady Magnon.

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  1. Wow - You struck the jackpot alright! Even got the obligatory Tim Tam biscuit packs lol! Did you get the 6 pack Outback Spirit Sauce pack? That Manuka Honey is, imho, the world's best honey. Not too keen on the Bushman Insect Repellent for Aussie insects and would always prefer the Aeroguard brand!

    1. Just those two sauces. What do we do with them?

    2. Kakadu Plum - "... A golden coloured chilli sauce with a honey and ginger profile. Ideal as a dipping sauce with either pan fried prawns or chicken strips. Fantastic drizzled over ham before baking.

      Wild Lime Chilli Ginger Sauce - "... is a Thai inspired chilli sauce with a pronounced citrus characteristic and unique blend of fresh cayenne chilli. Made from the Australian Native Desert Lime the Wild Lime Chilli Ginger Sauce is ideal when served with seafood, barbequed prawns, scallops, morton bay bugs. Wild Lime Chilli Ginger Sauce is a great as a dipping sauce for Vietnamese Rice Paper rolls or spring rolls. ..."

      I don't think you'll get hold of too many "barbequed prawns, scallops, or, morton bay bugs" but you could use it on almost any crustaceans - I'd even try it on oysters or mussels.

    3. Thanks. Could also be good with curries, maybe!

    4. Adding 'a splash' toward the end so that the flavour remains pronounced may do the trick.

      Have a look at

    5. We shall be sampling some tonight.

  2. I also noticed the Tim Tams and the New Zealand Manuka Honey, good for lots of ills.

  3. Tim tams! One of the better things to come out of Australia!

  4. exotic gifts from halfway around the world.

    Did M'Lady do something to piss off mother nature? That's a fine welcome home.

    1. She flogged all of our goodies and upset the 'Aussie God of Bounty' - look what happened to Fletcher Christian for doing that to Tahiti! lol!

    2. It hit when we were half way home from the airport. Very impressive, and somewhat scary; the noise of the hail hitting the car was deafening!

  5. Did Lady M bring home the instructions on how to enjoy Tim Tams to the maximum with your coffee?I am sure your daughter and family taught her lol..I see some things from our cupboard there..enjoy..So happy for you that she is home safe and sound,bet the 'boys" were glad to see her too.

    1. Do they have to be dunked in Castlemaine's XXXX?

  6. Glad to hear Lady M is back.

  7. Well they certainly are different coming home presents - no Vegemite, I notice. Looking forward to reading posts about her travels. I bet she's pooped.

    1. Who needs Vegemite, when you can have Marmite?

  8. Tim tams! I walked in on a Tim Tam advert in Sydney the other day. Most random.

    1. Did you spot Lady M; she was there for 3 days. Mostly eating at Doyles (?) fish restaurant.

  9. So nice when travellers bring home gifts. Gosh, she was gone a long time.

  10. Other than the damaging hail, I bet you are a happy man today. You have your lady home and some great stories to share. Enjoy your goodies.

  11. Lovely goodies, Mr. M. Enjoy the spoils.
    Welcome home, Lady M.
    You are lucky on the hail, we had a hail storm here Friday night, and my cars got pelted pretty good. It was a surprise storm that just bloomed up within a few minutes and the hail was the size of golf balls. Garden, surprisingly is ok and rode it out.
    Have a wonderful, peaceful week, Mr. and Lady M.

  12. I'm glad Lady M arrived safely, and that you made your way home without incident! Driving in hail is unsettling.

    That wild lime chili ginger sauce sounds like it would be wonderful with strips of beef, too.

  13. I know you are happy to have your Lady home. Nice she thought of you and brought you some goodies. Glad the car doesn't look like a golf ball!! Some had hail around us this weekend, wreaking havoc on their gardens.

  14. Six Weeks ?!?! Oh how I would love a 6 week trip away from farm life. So happy Mrs M could do the deed for all of us. Welcome home to her!!

  15. Yay for the Tim Tams! I hope Lady M has brought some sunny, dry weather back with her.

  16. Welcome back to Lady M, I see you arranged for an air display by the French Air Force this afternoon to mark the occasion. Disturbed the aperitifs a bit though.

    1. She's been taking her top off every time they go past, shouting "Hello boys, I'm home".

  17. Glad she made it home safe. Looks like a lot of fun getting to try out the Aussie goods!

  18. Great to have Lady M home safe and all those goodies too.

  19. The Lucas paw paw ointment is a brilliant product. You'll have beautiful baby-soft skin!!

  20. You have to try a tim tam slam - the most fun you can have with a hot drink and a chocolate biscuit:

  21. No Violet Crumbles or Cherry Ripes in there? Pity! Enjoy your aussie goodies.

  22. Lady Magnon also brought back some EMU OIL for our good friend Peggy, back in the UK. Peggy wishes to know if her skin will become clear, soft, and wrinkle-free; or will she just end-up looking like an EMU. Answers on a postcard please....
