Wednesday 9 May 2012

The Spoils of 'Boot Sale'.

It was a National Holiday here yesterday, and luckily the rain stopped just in time for us to go to a big local 'Boot Sale'.

There was mostly a load of old rubbish, intermingled amongst an excessive amount of tasteless plastic childrens' things, but we did manage to find a couple of 'bargains'.

The 3 Ricard glasses are unusually small and attractive, and cost a staggering €1 (bottle of Ricard not included), and the big heavy cast iron pulley cost €10; the idiot was asking €25, I offered €5, we agreed on €10.

The pulley will go to make a long rope slide, between two trees, for the boys. And the glasses will be used by Grumpy for whilst he watches over them... of course.

p.s. I'm happy to add that I was able to rotovate Haddock's in the afternoon. I planted out Sprouts, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Swiss Chard, and Curly Kale. Only Beans, Tomatoes, and Leeks to go in now. 
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  1. Hello Cro, I'm just setting up a new - not garage-sale-new - computer and finding my way around my favourite sites. I haven't been in the blogosphere much lately but you are there at the top of my blog list to be read on my fab new Lenovo. Well done with your boot sale treasures. Useful and good looking all of them.

  2. Glad you are making a bit of headway with Haddocks and managing to get a bit of planting done - slowly but surely it is getting warmer here, the rainy season has made the weed problem worse - can't seem to get on top of anything at the moment. The kids will love the pulley thing to play on - good thinking Batman.

    1. We're expecting over 30 degrees C tomorrow... I do hope all my small seedlings will survive.

    2. The trouble with expecting thirty degrees Centiheit is that, rather like London buses, they will probably all arrive at once.

      Nice bit of schmutter with the pulley - could it not be rigged up with some rope as a very impressive bell-pull by the front door?

    3. Two days ago, Lady M was telling me about a children's park she visited in Oz, where the grandchildren spent all their time on a rope slide. The following day we found the above!

  3. That cast iron pulley would be really appreciated on "Antique Roadshow" lol! - but well done!

    1. Serious stuff. It weighs about 5 kgs; very industrial revolution!

  4. That is definitely a good find! It is good to see things like that working, even if not quite as intended!

  5. I let the plants three days after the purchase are protected, and then into the earth.
    The heat is good for the plants that I think would be an important "sunshade"...
    Grüße Jasmin

  6. I like the heart-shapes for the spokes of that gin-wheel. I suppose you know that if you use two of these with one rope (one fixed) you can lift seriously heavy weights on your own? I have hoisted 2 cwt blocks up 40 feet with them in the past.

    1. You can't really see in the photo, but just above the wheel are two different 'runners' for taking two different size ropes. You have to take it apart and move the wheel from one side to the other depending on which size you use. Clever eh?

  7. I could do with a hook like that one to string up my hams ( the next time I have pigs that it!)

  8. Your grandsons are just going to love that rope slide. Brilliant find.

  9. Happy planting! Getting those veggies in the ground is so satisfying, isn't it. I did mine yesterday and finished right before a lovely light rain fell. I am seeing that as a good omen.

    1. Sounds exactly like here. We had a pleasant downpour just to settle everything in. Now it's about 25C and everything is wilting, and it's going to be 30C tomorrow.

  10. That pulley was quite a find, and in light of the rope swing discussion with your Lady, quite the stroke of serendipity to have found it. You'll have to post some pics of your grandsons playing on it when the project is done.

  11. Great finds at the boot sale!

    A friend needed space for this rototiller (rotovate machine this side of the Pond) and we struck an agreement: he could keep it in my barn, and i could use it when needed in the garden. Last summer, he took it to his son's to use for a project, and it's not found its way back.

    The rains have come and in the last bit of mowing i did Monday, between rains, i mowed the weed growth in the garden.

  12. Oh cool! I want that pulley! Okay. I'm jealous...

  13. A good haul. Personally wouldn't want the hook think but know a man who would.

    Very, very, very envious of a prospective 30 degrees. In fact would settle for an end to rain here.

  14. Oh, the swing for the grands sounds like a wonderful idea, and I just might "steal" it from you!! My grands are coming next month, and they would love that.
