Wednesday 23 May 2012

Pearly Portals of Paradiso.

The plan was to have a leafy grape vine ARCH over our new gated entrance to the cottage. 

Well, it's partially there, but it's going to take a while longer to reach the effect I'd envisaged. Even so, it'll look OK when all the grapes are hanging down.

re. This (scruffy) side of gate; we are still waiting for a couple of lorry-loads of crushed limestone to arrive for the car parking area. It's been so wet that my bloody JCB man didn't dare risk his lorry sinking into the mire.... The Big Sissy.

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  1. Ah, Cro. In 10 years you'll hardly believe it was once so bare. A mere 10 years. What takes these plants so long anyway!

  2. I love the gentle way the hound is just shouldering the hoodie back out of the garden! Very well trained indeed!

  3. Morning Cro -It won't be long before it's festooning all over the place - then you'll be cursing at all the pruning you have to do!

  4. Lovely view Cro! Didn't notice the scruffy side til you mentioned it, sure it will look fantastic when the driver mans up enough to drop off your stone ;)

  5. a sweet photograph...escorting Lady out the archway, yes?

  6. Would definitely enjoy walking through there.

    I tried making an arch like this with a rose. It was forever growing (annoying characteristic of plants!) and the traily bits kept getting stuck in the way of the gate. Don't regret it though, even if I did have to battle my way through sometimes while it was there.

  7. looks like the front cover of a paperback novel

  8. I agree with John, only I'd add some alien ships coming out of the sky and call it, "Invasion of France, Sacre Bleu!" Or something like that. And Monty could have little alien creatures all over his back.

  9. My wild Sandhills grape is bushy, but is not going the way I want it. I'm trying to arch it over my patio area. I just need to get the "arch" up.
    Beautiful photo of the lovely Lady M and Monty, may I say, "what a view"!

    1. The view is why we're here. We just pray that it stays like that!

  10. It's a lovely photo, Cro.

  11. Lovely . . . comme toujours.

  12. Am I projecting, or do I read a little tension in the shoulders of the hoodie?

  13. Love this pic.
    I tell you when I read your comment today I burst out laughing. I am so glad you are dancing. Keep it up relieves the stress especially when dealing with sissies.
