Wednesday 2 May 2012

Monty and Bok Enjoying our May 1st Sunshine.

My old friend Jock had an amusing ditty for May 1st.....

Hooray hooray
The first of May.
Outdoor f***ing
Starts today.

He loved reciting it for the benefit of elderly spinsters, mothers superior, or anyone else he considered shock-able.

As May brought with it some decent weather (for a change), I took advantage and planted out my Aubergines, Peppers, and a few Swiss Chard plants. I also sowed a few Radishes, and threw some compost and horse manure about. If the weather stays fine for a few days, I'll rotovate it all in, and get on with more planting. I'll also need to get hoeing, as weeds are popping up all over the place.

Haddock's is smiling again.


  1. Like the ditty!!

    I also came up with the video of Monty scrumping apples which I hadn't seen before. Our Irish Setter used to go along the blackberry plants and pull on the fruit gently to see if they were ripe and eat them if they were.

    Glad you are able to start planting at last.

    1. If you go to YouTube, and look for 'Olympic Frog-Style Swimming', you'll see Wills. I've just noticed that it's had over 1,900 hits; I wonder who all these people are?

    2. Until he stood at the end it could have been you.

  2. Monty is certainly a very handsome dog - loved the apple stealing. Lucky you having some nice weather to be able to get on with a bit of gardening. Wish I could say the same.

  3. Beltane and the sap is rising ;-)

  4. Re the ditty: If you tried that in Britain's May the first, you would know where the expression "F*** a Duck!" comes from.

  5. Hey, glad someone had some sun. Here it was wall to wall rain! ;)

  6. **rubs eyes** Sun? wossat then?

    I'm ashamed - I've not even ventured to the lottie yet this year. Bad Bad Gardener!

    1. Very wise Gardener, methinks. There's plenty of time; it never pays to rush.

  7. So glad you had a happy May Day. Here, we had cold, grey, and rainy on tap.

    1. And we've had another good day today; except that we've just had a sudden DOWNPOUR!

  8. I do believe I would like your friend Jock, especially with the touch of devilment involved in trying to shock people with his little ditty. (But heck, who doesn't like to um, frolic, in the great outdoors?)

  9. That was fun...only I was waiting for you to say something! My post contains the f-word today in all its glory.

  10. I loved the video where Monty is eating apples off the tree. Never seen a dog do that before. So cute.
