Monday 21 May 2012

Journée Champêtre. Lumberjack.

Yesterday it poured until about 9am. Then at 10.00am (reluctantly) we went up to the field beside the church to enjoy all the fun and laughter of our village's annual 'Journée Champetre'..

There was a drinks stall; awash with revellers.

A flower stall struggling to contain all the eager buyers, who were desperate to acquire the very best plants.

A few exciting animal exhibits, including this baby donkey.

And a couple of brown cows.

We came away at 10.05am, just as it started to pour again; then it continued to pour for the rest of the day. What larks, eh!

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  1. Oh dear, I've been to a couple of events like that - the only trouble is that I then feel obliged to attempt to make up for the missing crowds of people and I end up spending far too much money and time.

  2. Feeling sorry for the people who had gone to so much trouble to put the event on.

    1. They also organised a mass equestrian trail, pedestrian walk, and bike ride. Almost no-one turned up. They had been working all week on signposting, mowing, etc. All that hard work for nothing!

  3. Morning Cro - oh dear - you have to laugh don't you.

  4. Seems that the public everywhere is made of sugar and has to avoid the rain as though it were fatal! I hope that you acquired the baby donkey ... and you've just reminded me of an experience I had in a little French village that would make a good blog post! Thank you!

  5. What a shame it rained. The animals are lovely.

  6. A good turn out then! (Just love that baby donkey.)

  7. Love the baby donkey. I have been "eyeing" a burro up the road.

  8. I always feel bad when events are washed out by the weather as I know how much work there is to plan and put on such a show. Glad you got your 5 minutes in.

  9. The baby donkey is too cute!

  10. the best laid plans of mice and men....

  11. oh the baby donkey is so cute! Yep were doing rain this week too! I look at it as a week off watering duty!
