Tuesday 29 May 2012

Grumpy and Ollie.

Exactly two months to go before my two London based grandsons will be here.

Grumsy's getting excited, the dogs are getting excited, and Grumpy just can't wait.

We've got plenty of new games for them, plenty of new toys (including the ride-on mower), as well as all the old favourites.

I'm busy growing enough fruit and vegetables for everyone, so now it's simply a question of PATIENCE.

Ollie (the small one above) looks very much like me at his age; or should I say, I looked very much like him. He also has a good appetite, and draws a lot. I'm just waiting to see if his dress sense is as finely honed as mine as well. Heredity is a wonderful thing!

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  1. It would be a shame if he didn't inherit your dress sense. You have worked on it for so long.

  2. Morning Cro - I can understand your excitement at your grandchildren coming even though I don't have any myself. I think it's because they help you re-live your own childhood - they obviously keep you young at heart. Enjoy it while it lasts - it is over all too soon.

  3. Every day, when I get up and dress I make the same tired old fashion statement; it says "Guilty".

  4. I'm waiting for Grandchildren too, but my son is only 22 :-)

  5. Oh the excitement...I'm waiting for the 2 little southerners coming this weekend for a big family party!!! got to get going and get the place ready!!!

  6. understand that feeling so well..I have a while to wait for the next holidays but all the sweeter when it comes.Happy preparing CRo and please watch the boys on the mower we seem to be having a spate of reported accidents over here on ride on mowers and quad runners,all safe with supervision.

  7. Enjoy your precious time with them, Cro. :)

  8. Ahh bless... And your fashion statement is colour coordinated, too -- the grey of your shirt bringing out the grey stripe of Ollie's t-shirt. What a handsome lad he is! I do envy you and wish so much that I would soon be seeing my three grandsons in France this year -- all the way from Korea.

  9. DNA is wonderful, isn't it! Your grandson is a beautiful boy, Cro.

  10. There is an area of beard that is a perfect match to that T-shirt ;-) . . . Very well chosen.

  11. What a sweet photo! There is nothing like grandchildren. Mine will be here in two weeks!! I am planning also. The oldest one loves to play board games with me and beats me at checkers all the time.

  12. That's a really sweet picture! It's wonderful that your grandkids are coming to live close by!

    Possibly the youngster in the picture above could become your garden assistant. Some of my best memories of my maternal grandfather involve working in his large vegetable garden with him.

    1. Not to live, Jennifer. Just on holidays (unfortunately)!

  13. Keep busy. The time will go fast.

  14. An incredibly sweet picture of the two of you--which one is Grumpy and which one of you is Ollie? Oh, that's right, the small one. Blessings to you both.

  15. Good grief - even I'm excited about them visiting!

  16. Grandchildren envy...Ollie looks just like you Cro...

  17. Good times are coming! What a sweet picture of you and your little buddy.
