Saturday 26 May 2012

Did I Mention Elderflower Champagne?

The picture above shows the few simple ingredients you'll need to make this seriously delicious fizzy Summer drink. I told you it was easy.

6 heads of Elderflowers (just the flowers, preferably picked after the sun has been on them), the zest of a Lemon (no white stuff), the juice of a Lemon, 650 gms of Sugar, 2 tablespoons of Vinegar, and 6 litres of cold water.

Don't wash the flowers, just dislodge any bugs. Place all the ingredients in a clean plastic bucket, stir, and cover. Leave for 24 hrs.

After 24 hrs, strain the liquid through muslin into the flip-top bottles, and make sure they are tightly secured. Wait for at least 2 weeks before sampling, and do remember to open the bottles outside, they can be very fiery. 

Just after the bottling, we drank our final bottle from 2011. It was just as good as the day it was made. I shall knock-up another batch tomorrow. Cheers!

N.B. Occasionally the alchemy/chemistry doesn't work, and there is no FIZZ. If this happens, check your bottles have really tight fitting caps, make sure your flowers are picked when it's dry and sunny, and start again. Good luck.
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  1. This really does sound simple enough for me to attempt. Excellent.

  2. Morning Cro - I make elderflower cordial every year - it really is the most refreshing summer drink - our elderflowers aren't out yet - but I have my eye on a bush that produces huge flowerheads.

    1. I can't buy the Citric acid here, but I shall buy some online and make it next year.

  3. Just rushed down the lane to pick some elderflowers before the bruine arrives. Now I just need to find a clean plastic bucket...

  4. gosh I haven't tasted this for years. When I was just a young pup of 23 (last century it feels like) I worked for a Yorkshire lady who made it every year. She was diabetic and wasn't allowed to drink it, but she would insist on just having a spoonful to make sure it was up to her exacting standards :-)
    Funny enough I saw some in the farmers market here in town this morning!

    1. I'm (type 2) diabetic too, but I ignore the advice!

  5. I'm going to start scouring the neighbourhood for elderflower!

  6. I have never heard of this. However, I am going to look into it. Sounds easy and fun.

  7. It would be a tough choice for me between the flowers or the berries.

  8. Looks refreshing. My mother-in-law used to make it ready for when they were harvesting.

    1. Probably a lot wiser than cider, as it's only very slightly alcoholic.

  9. Pretty amazing. I'll have to try it sometime.

  10. I haven't looked for elderflowers in my new location. I'll need to see if we have any around.

  11. I might just try that . . . I will need to get some flip top bottles though.
    Do the pharmacie not sell citric acid?

    1. I've been to two, and both didn't. Probably easier, and cheaper, to buy online.

  12. I remember this from last year...I sure would like to taste a sip...looks amazing...

  13. Thank you! Mine are at the perfect state for this. I will have to figure out some storing issues, as I only have one of those bottles like you show.

  14. Elder's not out yet here. Husband will be out gathering it though when it is. Last year's 'champagne' was a dismal failure and the year before, well....explosive.

    Me? I'll settle for a nice Sancerre.
