Saturday 12 May 2012

Beetroot Heaven.

I'd totally forgotten that I still had a few Beetroots in the ground up at Haddock's; so out they came, and I made some Beetroot Crisps to accompany a gorgeous Salmon steak last night.

I sliced them very thinly, then deep fried them in Sunflower oil. They were sweet, earthy, and crisp. Nothing less than a true gourmet's delight (not a very good picture, I'm afraid).

I shall have to sow another half-row again this year. They're too good to miss.

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  1. I often roast beetroot but have never made crisps - must try them next year.

  2. Roasted ,crisps,dips,salad veg,chutney...for us beetroot is wonderful whichever way it comes.

    1. Yes, I know you're a big fan Carole.... I'm slowly becoming one too!

  3. I love beetroot. Never thought of making crisps- will have to give that a go. (Our beetroot seedlings are looking very good at the moment but I shall have to be patient for a few weeks.)

  4. What/how was the salt used - nice Camargue salt too, I notice!

    1. Delicately sprinkled; in a ballerina-ish manner!

    2. Ahhh! Salted beetroot chips. Sounds yummy.

      Have you tried making Chips from sweet potato (you can make 'straws' with them as well) and also cucumber, peeled and de-seeded can be sliced into finger sized chips, battered and deep fried!

  5. Morning Cro - I like beetroot every which way - never tried crisps though - mine aren't doing very well at the moment - may have to pop over and borrow some of yours.

  6. a wonderful experience, the Lord's Supper,
    healthy as fresh beetroot salad or juice, he has a healing effect, half a liter a day lowers blood pressure.
    regards Jasmin

    1. HALF A LITRE PER DAY? You'd need a whole field-full. I think most red fruit and veg' have healing qualities.

  7. heaven indeed, a boost to this years gardening- or should that be to the gardener!!
    In salads, crisped, baked, steamed, drunk.(fresh juice or wine) I wish there was a better way of keeping them than pickling, but done in cider vinegar they are ok

  8. I read that beetroot are so full of nutrients they can help to lower blood pressure. A very valuable and often over looked vegetable. Until I turned vegetarian I thought they were just for salads :-O

  9. I have never tried beetroot, but I cook sweet potatoes/yams in a similar way. They are yummy also.

  10. Beetroots! One of my absolute favourite vegs! Raw, pickled, roasted, you name it. I even like to eat the green tops. They are the big bully of the vege world though, staining and dominating everything they come in contact with.

  11. We call 'em beets here in Canada but man oh man they're my favourite vegetables especially when you pull them fresh from the garden. I hate the stuff in cans (blargh) and the ones in the supermarket are sadly lacking. But nothing beats beets picked that very day. Cro, I've never heard of beetroot crisps but I am definitely going to try. It sounds so easy and I bet they're delicious. I love beets cooked all ways but nothing beats the simplicity of hot beets with butter and salt.

    OH! I've been cooking them the coolest way! I used to just boil them and it took all afternoon, especially when they get big (and you can't cut them or all the great colour and nutrients bleed out, plus the innards get sandy)... my new fave way is to wrap them, unpeeled, in a few layers of tinfoil and then bake then in the oven for an hour or so until they're soft. If you already have the oven on for a roast it even saves you on electricity! Anyway, you just unwrap them and slip off the skins and they're gorgeous and extra sweet with no pot to wash. I've even tried them this way over a campfire. Yummy, yummy.

  12. My sister in law make a delicious warm beetroot dish in a hubbard sauce...she kindly sends me small 'care' packages whenever she makes it! LOL! Love beetroot---hate the mess!

  13. I do mine in a tarragon/dill infused apple cider vinegar. I will have to try the crisps.
    Ah, fresh salmon...I am land locked and fresh fish is hard to come by. And the local fish is contaminated with farm residue...
    Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Sorry to hear that about your local fish; someone should be sued. Our fresh Salmon is just fantastic, I fry it very simply in olive oil leaving the inside quite pink... YUM.

  14. Looks good, I might try that. Have you heard of Kale chips? You lightly salt and oil them, then put them under the broiler until they crisp up.

  15. I'll say.....I'll have to try frying

  16. Oh, those beet chips look so good!! Thanks for the info on the Jade. What a lovely story about them, especially since I got it from my sister!

  17. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i love beetroot, too. We call them beets here, but no matter what they're called, they're yummy.

    I make mine the way Cathy mentioned, only i chop some onions or shallots and add those as well.

