Thursday 26 April 2012

Two for the Price of One.

Not only is Monty's new plastic bed ostensibly 'chew proof', but it's also big enough for two.

They'd just been given their monthly anti-Tick treatments, so maybe they were consoling each other (it's only a few drops of liquid on the neck). They do make a fuss about it!

I should add that when they're not bunking-up together like this, Monty tends to sleep in Bok's much smaller bed, and Bok in Monty's above. I've tried to explain to them, but....

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  1. They do look content - reminds me I must give the cats their flea treatment.

  2. The dogs obviously have a mind of their own and have decided you know nothing about how a dog prefers to sleep. My daschund (no longer with us) was devoted to his basket and guarded it against all incomers. If I put it outside to give it an airing he went and sat in it - as much as to say - touch it at your peril.

  3. Why is this treatment so horrible for the animals?
    Does it sting or something? a couple of my cats go bonkers when we put it on, it really affects them.
    Luckily we don't get many ticks and I do try to comb them regularly to remove fleas simply so that I don't have to use this stuff.
    I remember a treatment called 'Nuvan Top' it was withdrawn from the vets some years ago but not before it had done a lot of damage, I believe my cats may have contracted cancer because of this spray. The vet remained shtum when I asked him about it...

    Looks like one dog has hogged most of the blanket, bit like my husband and the duvet. lol


  4. Plenty of space - so long as Monty keeps his nose tucked firmly away.

  5. Aww. So nice that they're such devoted friends.

  6. I think the nicest thing you ever did was bring Bok into your loving home Cro ,he must feel very special just like Monty.

  7. They always want what the other one's got/having. Kids...

  8. I think they don't like smelling different, as my cats are the same way when i apply the stuff. Even with my one-dimensional nose, i know how i dislike it when i get my hair cut, and the hairdresser puts goop on my hair. Not just that it makes my hair feel different, but the smell really annoys me.

    They look so happy together, Cro--the very best of friends.

  9. Bless!!! Two of our cats often curl up together(Millie & Pomme, George & Pomme, Millie & George)but we rarely get all three all together. Possibly because there's not a lot of room on the favourite chair of all of us, Ikea's Poang!

  10. They look awful warm and cuddly. Glad the bed is working out.

  11. that reminds me of this post

    1. That's very funny. I just wish our Freddie (the cat) would join in too, but he's too timid.

  12. I wish we could get another dog. I think our dog, Ginger, would love the company since she spends a fair amount of time at home alone when we're both working. But my husband thinks it might make her jealous and he can't bear the thought of it. He has fallen deeply in love with her while undergoing cancer treatment--she not only keeps him company, she is adamant about taking their daily walks together. I call her his therapy dog :) But soon he will be well enough to go back to work, and I think it would be good for her to have a companion. This photo of your two dogs snuggling is precious! :)

  13. How sweet. My dogs are not fond of the tick treatment either, but it is a necessity here in the woods.

  14. Aw bless. they look very cosy on their new bed.

  15. that tick stuff stings! Mabel told me

  16. Sweetness, utter sweetness...
