Wednesday 4 April 2012


Those of us who make Elderflower Champagne will be doing so in about 4/5 weeks, so NOW is the time to make sure you have enough of the right type of bottles.

The recipe I use (and usually post) is for making 5 litres, so you can see what's required. I only ever use these wired flip-top bottles, as they're the only ones strong enough to cope with the pressure.

So send your children/grandchildren out scavenging, or, if all else fails, force them to drink plenty of lemonade. You'll need about 7/8 bottles similar to the above.

Keep watching!


  1. or drink a beer that starts with Gr.....!!

    1. I think the brown ones above are Fischer's; luckily I have a friend who drinks it.

  2. Hmm,I might just have a go this year. Although knowing my luck I'll end up with a load of fizz on the wall. (Hope you enjoyed that rain we brought back with us!)

  3. can you write down the recipe cro.. or would you need to kill me

    1. You'll have everything in the house; I'll post the details at the time, John... just get those bottles ready.

  4. I used to work in a pub years ago and the Yorkshire lady who ran it, always made Elderflower champagne. Trouble is, she was diabetic and we used to have to watch her like a hawk to make sure she only took a sip!

  5. I've never had elderflower champagne. I'd be hardpressed to find those sorts of bottles. Still, i'm curious to see if i can find any, and if so, then what making this concoction entails.

  6. Holy moley! You make your own champagne, TOO? I do believe you do it all, Mr. Cro. We've made beer and wine before, but champagne? Not sure how to get all those lovely bubbles in there. (But I'm sure you're fill us all in later...)

  7. In Oz the cold never snaps enough for elderberries. Flowers yes. New Zealanders get right into the wine but we cannot get the berries up here, dammit.

    Is Ms Cro coming west? Can I entertain her?
    Oh, go on. Let me.

    1. She's in Queensland, Sarah. As for the Champagne, all you'll need is about 6 flower heads!

    2. Where is your recipe Cro?

  8. Looking forward to you sharing your recipe(s).
    Do you do your own wine, Mr. M. If you do, do you have any recipes for a fruity Sangria or a sweet wine?
    Have a wonderful week and weekend.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I am kind of selfish in sharing my woes on my blog. Maybe I should, so I can get all those positive "vibes." Thanks for this post, I enjoyed it.

    1. oops, sorry, I put this under the wrong post. But I am sure you get that. I wonder if these berries you talk about are the same as elderberries, and do you pick them when they are flowering, or the fruit? Thanks Cro.

    2. Just the flowers, Kat. And you need only about 6 heads; picked on a sunny day.

  11. I have not seen any bushes growing around here but I shall be looking...

  12. Not much scavenging been going on here today - it's been snowing like it's going out of fashion

  13. I make Elderflower cordial rather than champagne it is so delicious and refreshing and so easy to make - my favourite summer drink. I decant it into pop bottles and freeze it.

    1. I was going to do some cordial this year too; I understand that a few drops onto an apple pie filling, before baking, works miracles!

  14. Thanks for the reminder Cro - I got all of the ingredients together about two weeks too late last year!!

  15. My husband has made wine, but never champagne. What made his wine taste good was the bottle of vodka we added to it.

  16. very cool...can't wait for the details!

  17. Thank you for the reminder Cro! These things tend to take me by surprise (every year) :)
