Friday 30 March 2012

Targetted food.

Ever since Monty was a wee slip-of-a-pup, Lady Magnon would only ever buy him food that had a picture of a Lab' or Retriever on the pack. In his early days it had to be a cute Lab' puppy picture; nowadays it has to be a full-grown, alert, and attractive adult.

I'm pretty sure that most dog food for adult, full-sized dogs is much the same; it's just the picture that changes. OK, certain dogs may need certain extra vitamins, but in general it's just 'dog food'. The stuff she used to buy was UNBELIEVABLY EXPENSIVE; at least the stuff I buy now (above) is affordable.

So I'm wondering how much we really buy through photographic association.  Personally I hardly ever buy 'branded' goods, but if I did, and I was to associate packaging illustrations with the type of person expected to purchase, then I would never buy Scott's Porridge Oats, Uncle Ben's Rice, or O Fokk-Mee's 2 minute rice noodles.

However, I might be tempted by a few litres of Sir 'Humpty-Dumpty' Fortesque-Strawberrynose's Merlot-in-a-bag (with free handy straw). Especially if the illustration was of me!


  1. Its all part of marketing and targeting your buyers, isn't it!

    We can be so vain/sugggestable. It's why a supermarket's most competed for spot is on the end of the aisles, right on the end so that you have to wheel around the display. Companies actually "Pay" supermarket chains for the right to theses choice display spots - like the 'tempter' spots as you queue to go through the cash register chute (especially if you have kids (lollies) or women (magazines) or males (cold soft drinks in summer).

    1. And I have to admit my own guilt of buying 'mints' (that I didn't want) whilst waiting my turn.

  2. I am aware of being drawn to expensively packaged, elegant looking toiletries and make up. However, I usually resist the temptation and go for cheaper options.

  3. I stopped buying Tennants Super-Strength XXX lager when they stopped printing pictures of half-naked women on the side of the can. Just as well.

  4. My friend has a dog called Palf'Art.

  5. Our first cat came to us after running away from our neighbours' house. She simply wanted to be the only four-footed creature in the house and sought a home where that need was filled. The neighbours saw she had made her mind up to stay, so they carried over her food bowls and told us what kind of wet cat food and kibble she liked. It was priced midrange.

    After Zerbe died and we got other cats later on, we kept with the same brand. We've since changed to a different brand of wet food as they seem to like this other kind better. We did buy some expensive kibble, after they sampled some and liked it. They still eat that on occasion, but prefer the cheaper brand.

    I guess they mirror me, because whilst i like some expensive food on occasion, i can eat less expensive stuff and be quite happy with it.


  6. The thing with buying brand names vs. store brands is, most of the store brands are actually manufactured by one of the big, well-known companies, but just have a smaller price tag. So I generally check the label for ingredients.

  7. I never found a bag of food with 2 small grey lurchers on the front, so I cook my own. Every day they have hearts, liver, whatever is at a good price, along with barley, brown rice, veggies and served with a little live yoghurt. Spoiled? yep ;-)

    1. Mine have some fried pig liver as a special treat once a week. Spoiled? Yep!

  8. When I am looking for a new wine to try, I am alwzys influenced by the label on the bottle. I have been burned by that a few times, but after the first or second glass, some improve.

    I have to admit, the packaging plays a big part in my buying habits.

  9. It works when I see retro-style labels on food/drinks. But with dog food, it doesn't matter. Henry likes one kind and they can change the label all the want, he doesn't care.

  10. When grocery shopping in France we get the wine which the most bottles have already sold. Mostly great at a good price.
    I have also heard about different brands being made at the same factories, just packaged differently (and sold cheaper).
    Oh and for the dogs, I go with Kath - no dog food packages with ratoneros, heelers, blue eyed princesses and greek bat-ear terriers, so they get raw meat and bones with pureed veggies...
