Monday 19 March 2012

Return of the Birds of Paradise

Back in 2004, when we built our pool, I decided that it should be very much a part of the house and garden; not a separate entity. I landscaped all around, planted shrubs and trees, and built the 'pump house' to resemble a small pigeon tower (or some might say, thunder-box).

The icing on the cake was to commission a young local 'struggling' potter to make the two finials (or pinnacles). They were to be glazed in dark green and topped with traditionally shaped birds. He took quite a while to make them, then one exploded in the kiln and he was forced to start again from scratch; we had already been waiting for over two months.

Eventually he finished, and they were put in place amongst much downing of Champagne. They looked wonderful.

Unfortunately, in his inexperience, he had not fixed the birds correctly onto the main body of the finials, and during one long, wet, and frosty Winter, the two birds parted company with their bases and fell to the ground; luckily without too much damage (one lost a beak, and both lost some glaze).

Their replacement was top of my Winter 2012 'to do' list, and today I had no further excuses. Don't you think they look so much better? I've glued them back on with one of those mastic pastes you mix with a hardener.

Just in case you were wondering, after considerable discussion (back in 2004) I decided to have one bird facing due East to watch the sun rise, and the other facing due West to watch it set. I couldn't come-up with anything more original.


  1. Look fantastic and the East-West facings are a great idea!

    Well done!

    1. Would some kind person please inform The Times of London that at 7.23 am this morning, I heard the first Cuckoo. Thanks.

  2. They look fabulous Cro,I imagine you are very pleased with yourself for placing them in their rightful places,quite a long way up by the looks.

    1. High enough Carole. It's good to have them back in place; I'm afraid they've been awaiting my attention for several years!

  3. In my part of England I fear that your birds would have been shot down from your rooftop within a week, probably from a passing car!

    East/West is so much more of a pertinent political statement than North/South ever could be...

    1. When they originally came down, I feared exactly that. But it was just expanding ice that did the dirty.

  4. They look fab Cro!

    Hope yo uwere careful up the ladder with those birds.

    Remember Rod Hull?

  5. Any structure over 10 feet high has about 200 of the real thing perched allover it here in Bath.

    1. I foolishly hoped that some of our local Collared Doves would have taken up residence... but no such luck.

    2. They've probably all been eaten by your neighbours - they are supposed to be very tasty...

  6. Gorgeous -- just love 'em... Great idea to have them facing east/west. Perfect!

  7. They look great. You could start a new trend!

  8. They look really good. Is this a tradition in your area or just your artistic eye sensing a need.

    1. There are a few very old examples about, and there is a movement afoot to bring back such things. I'm just a small cog.

  9. Good of you to give the job to a young artist coming up. Hope the years have been good to him, too. The bird finials are a great touch.

    1. Sadly he moved further South; there wasn't enough work for him here. He was a nice young guy with a wife and baby; I would have given him more work; regardless.

  10. Looks great, Cro! And you managed to get the job done before the solstice. Fait accompli!


  11. Only just Megan. I'm still not used to the Vernal Equinox falling on the 20th, rather than the 21st. I'm just an old fashioned boy!

  12. They look marvelous Cro. I hope the glue sticks and there will be no more suicide trips for these birds in the future.

  13. They are undoubtedly beautiful. And you don't need an excuse or reason to situate them in whatever direction you please. They simply look aesthetically pleasing the way you have them, and the fact that they're facing east-west is a nice bonus.

  14. Fabulous! the finishing touch. My neighbour has 2 cat finials, one crouching one sitting. I rather fancy an owl although there is a very impressive gryphon here in the town.

  15. how lucky they servived their fall and how fabulous they look backk on top of things!!

  16. I do! You've done a good job there, Cro.

  17. Such an original idea - although I'm surprised the frost hasn't got to them - bet it was a bit scary going up there to fix them on. Well done for eventually getting round to it - it was worth it - they look great.

  18. I meant equinox, but solstice came out. Glad you knew what i meant. I, too, keep thinking of it as the 21st.
