Sunday 4 March 2012

The Intrepid Trio.

You've heard of the Secret Seven and the Famous Five, now meet the Intrepid Trio.

Yesterday they came with nets and buckets; they were in search of Lizards. Luckily ours tend to be high up on the wall, so they left empty handed.

Then later they returned with a Hamster (girl with hat), and Lady M gave them a bunch of brand-new, unused, T shirts. We always have a ready supply of such things (!?!).

The girls often pop round to see us. Occasionally they take Bok for a walk (he used to belong to the girl in yellow), otherwise they just bring some unusual pet, a new friend, or a favourite chicken. Sometimes there are more of them; anything up to about seven. Sometimes just a couple turn up.

Not so long ago there were no children in the area, now suddenly there are about 8. They have chocolates for Easter, chocolates for Halloween, and chocolates for Christmas.

Kids eh! Wouldn't life be dull without them!
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  1. Of course Lady M has extra everything for any occasion. Woman are like that. Just plain Brilliant.

  2. the look on the face of the girl in the middle is priceless.

    how wonderful they can pop over and share hamsters and receive t-shirts. sounds very civilized.

  3. How lovely, sounds like Lady M is me a cupboard full of "things" lol.Lovely little french maidens.

  4. I meant like me,geez not making sense today.

  5. That's the acid test and you've passed - if they keep coming back it's not on a dare!

    Put 'em to work, I'm sure that they can dig...

    Last time kids turned up on my doorstep was Bob-a-Job week - three Scouts washed every single bit of my car that could be seen from my front doorstep (the rest they left as filthy as they found it). Enterprising chaps.

  6. Haha! We have a sudden proliferation of children round here too. On a fine, non-school day, it can seem like a school playground. Maybe they're taking over the world! ;)

  7. You've passed the kid test. I can just hear them. "What is there to do?" "Nothing"
    Let's go see the old people that give us stuff"

    1. I fear you've hit the nail on the head, Delores. Only I'd have included the word 'English'.

  8. I feel a Maurice Chevalier song coming on...

    1. I am not a lover of small children....... I like them for around an hour then they tend to frighten me

  9. I'm with John. However, we moved away from a very busy neighborhood with a large pack of children to a quieter area, and it seems I just might be missing the little brats. Go figure. Who knew I'd go soft in the head in my middle age?

  10. I love having kids around...makes me feel young and full of life! The joy of happily enjoying the simple things in life is priceless!!

  11. If I were a kid, I'd definitely come to your house Cro

  12. Ahhhh blessss! You're just a couple of softies after all! We've got 3 little Polish sisters that adore coming to our house. My husband spoils the life out of them while I hide away for most of the time in my study -- doesn't stop them from 'bouncing' in at will though!

  13. Hmm, think you've got the makings of some curious art-house movie here.

    All a little odd, slow-mo, a foreign language, prepubescent girls, furry animals - and weirder still, the question of the LIZARDS! In la France profonde...
