Saturday 17 March 2012

Breakfast Revisited.

Just when Spring has really sprung, our 3 hens have quit laying. Ever since they began, they have been laying either 2 or 3 beautiful eggs a day, even through the harshest of Winters. Now; nothing for two days!

Luckily my eldest son sees to it that his Papa is never without a regular supply of Gentleman's Relish (Patum Peperium); a respectable alternative to 'The Full English'.... The other jar shown above, 'Délice de Tomates Confites', is, of course, bought locally.

For those who've not yet had the pleasure, 'Gentleman's Relish' is a very strong flavoured paste made from Anchovies, Butter, and a few select spices. Eaten on hot buttered toast at breakfast (de rigeur at Boodle's), it is one of the best ways I know to start the day. 

'Délice de Tomates Confites', on the other hand, is made from Dried Tomatoes, Green Olives, Anchovies, Olive Oil, Cumin, and Red Wine. Again, wonderful on hot buttered toast.

Probably by the time I've posted this, my hens will have changed their minds, and they'll be laying like the clappers..... And lo; here's their meagre offering; 1¼ eggs. I shall have to have a quiet word with them!

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  1. Delightful way to eat a breakfast - so civilised! Can only be improvedby a few fried slices of blood sausage! lol!

    1. And, I can assure you John, it occasionally is!

  2. And real butter too! I had to give up smothering my toast in butter after my cholesterol level went through the roof. I do miss it.

    1. I tell my doctor I've given up butter. She'd murder me...

    2. I tell my doctor to worry about his own blood pressure and let my cholesterol alone. When it sedimentates in the blood tube it's time to start worrying! lol!

  3. Ah, toast. There's a mis-print in the Bible you know. If you're going to write a book then the least you can do is make the opening line read "In the beginning there was toast..."

    Enjoy the butter, forget the medics. I went for a whole-day BUPA checkup a while ago, blood tests, exercise, prodding - their sole advice at the end of the day was to "eat less red meat" (in spite of "vegan" being plastered everywhere on my confession sheets, forms and questionnaires).

    1. Every ailment I've ever had was met with 'Do you smoke? No! OK; drink less alcohol, eat less fat, loose some weight'.

  4. I always thought Gentleman's Relish should come with some kind of health warning! As an acquired taste it's one that I have only recently got! Lovely in shepherd's pie though!

    I am now wondering what a slice of toast with a smear of relish and the Delice confit would taste like , . . rather good I suspect!

    1. MS. I think the hint is in the word 'Gentleman's'. I don't really see it as something that too many women would like!

  5. I have recently discovered an anchovy paste in a tube, sold by Waitrose. It has less salt than G.R. (I always find it too salty these days) it is made in Morocco and is about 1/6th the price. Ingredients: Anchovies, olive oil. Yum.

    1. White and pale blue tube and box? I buy it here too. Excellent.

    2. That's the one. Very plain packaging.

  6. I have seen the Gentleman's relish and often wondered about it (not for myself but as a stocking filler for my brother). I am tempted to try it now.
    I did laugh at the 1 1/2 eggs :-)

  7. They've probably got spring fever Cro. Do you need to feed them differently in the warmer months?

    1. I'll have to ask John! It may have been the hot weather; it's been in the mid-20's C.

  8. Not being a fan of anchovies in any way, shape or form I can honestly only say EW, but I do like the packaging and the quaint name. If only it was filled with something less fish.

  9. That looks exotic and bright with flavor. I'm going for a cinnamon roll myself . . .

  10. I have never heard of or had either spread, but I am sure I would love the second one best.

  11. i tell the doctor I eat butter. Stare her straight in the eye. Own it. She sighs. Give it a try.

  12. Congratulations Wales. My condolences to France.

  13. I just had to visit when I saw the title of this post as I have just done a breakfast post too. I used to sell Gentleman's Relish at a delicatessen in the Oxford Covered Market without having any idea what it tasted like or how best to use it. Thanks for the enlightenment. The wee pullet egg is a sweetie - if you get enough they are good for pickling and hopefully they have yolks in them!

  14. If your eldest has a spare jar at any time you can tell him his aunt is very partial to Gentleman's Relish as well. Haven't had it for many, many years but you have me drooling for it.

    1. Father used to have just one pot each year; for Christmas.

    2. Is that where we got the taste for it?

  15. I don't eat much bread these days, but i'll have to see about getting some Gentleman's Relish for Himself, as he is very fond of anchovies. I only eat them when they're well mashed into the wooden bowl used for making Caesar salads. A little goes a long way with me.


  16. I'm definitely on the lookout for both Cro...they sound right up my alley..."gentlemen's" or not!
