Wednesday 7 March 2012

The Boys.

'I love you Bok'

'I love you too Mont'.

Poor old Bok. Only 15 months old, and he's already had 3 different homes. No wonder he's so affectionate; it's his way of asking if he can stay with us for ever. And of course he can.

Lady Magnon's just got-up, and was singing 'Three blind Mice Cats' to them; not surprisingly they were heads-up-n-howling, so I let them out.

Now they've chased Freddie up a tree, and here he is (above) saying 'Come and get me, you bunch of lilly-livered cowards'. Later he went up onto the roof (below) with his beach towel, copy of Cat Gossip, and a tube of Ambre Solaire.

And it's still not yet nine-o-clock.

p.s. In the afternoon Monty went to the vet' for his annual Jab. We were a little shocked to see that he weighs 42 kgs; he's been put on STRICT a diet. 

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  1. Poor Monty - on a diet! Just look at that blue sky. Wonderful.

  2. Dogs are quite uninhibited in demonstrating their affection for those who love and care for them, arn't they.

    Denny-the-Dog was rescued mere days before he was to be put down, aged 12 months, as he had not been able to be placed with an adoptive family. I took him and now he just believes that he really is part of the family(sic: 'Pack'). His affection for Rhonda and myself is unqualified!

  3. What sort of dog is Bok? My eldest thought it was a picture of our staffie on your page! Lovely dogs, sound like they get up to all sorts of mischief lol! Great picture of Monty with the blue sky too.

    1. We think he's half Border Collie... the other half is anyone's guess!

  4. Yes, its the blue sky that has us all thinking...spring will be here...soon. Great photos.

  5. Dogs are some of my favourite people.

  6. wow look at those blue skies!
    I love the colours in the second photo.
    Nice to see the dogs like that. Ours only lay together when R gate crashes E's bed.

  7. 42 kilos? Blimey. P.S. Try to get Lady M to do away with her word verification, there's a good chap.

    1. I don't suppose she even knows she has one! I'll sort it out.

  8. Lovely photographs, blue skies -- ahhh blisssss... Such sweet boys, too.

  9. Tell Monty the gallbladder diet works extremely well. Hubby has lost 15lbs in two weeks (of course week one was in the hospital with no food at all), and I, (who is not even on the diet), have lost 7lbs! Let's hope we aren't mere shadows of ourselves by the time he has surgery!
    Beautiful day here too today Cro...10 degrees at 7.30am and a high of 15 forecast! Can't wait...I'm getting my bike out!

    1. Monty's being deprived of breakfast; just a tiny glass of milk, and a Bonio.

  10. A full morning already.

  11. Lovely photos. Our youngest cat, Jo, went from place to place as a kitten until we could find someone who'd keep her for six weeks. She had been found by a colleague's son whilst driving a lorry loaded with hay bales he had picked up from different farms. In the offloading, he found a litter of kittens in one. All the kittens were dead save one, and this one he brought to his mum during the work day, begging her to do something for the kitten. Anyhow, after the six weeks of the cat rescue woman feeding Jo, and insisting that she couldn't keep her, i realised she had to come into our household. That was over seven years ago, and any time we've had to transport Jo to the vet, she gets absolutely stock still with fear, even though we try talking to her and stay with her the whole time.

    I guess that feeling of going someplace new and different from what is familiar has left its indelible mark upon her.

  12. This is my smile post of the day. It certainly perked up my mood.

    What joy and fun our animals bring to us each day. I could not live without them.

    1. Me too, Arleen. They are an essential part of my life!

  13. Reading the paper from a high perspective is something we all can appreciate. Smart Cat. And what have you done to your dog? He'll forgive you, but not for the diet.

    1. He's still looking at me a bit oddly in the mornings, but he'll get used to it.

  14. Love the picture of 'the boys' Poor Monty, having to go on a diet. Life isn't fair is it!

  15. It's a Lab' thing, Molly. They run to fat too easily.

  16. My cat gets on our steep roof all the time. I am so happy that you gave Bok a chance at a permanent home. He is such a beautiful dog.
