Tuesday 27 March 2012

As Sick as a Dog.

This isn't Monty (I didn't take my camera), but it easily could have been.

Yesterday I took Lady Magnon to catch her 'plane in Toulouse, and, as I was to be away from the house for several hours, I took the two dogs along for the ride.

Monty has been car sick in the past, but this was when he was very small, and I thought he'd grown out of it.. How wrong I was.

He vomited about 4 times. Once, when he performed all over his blanket (and himself), I was forced to pull up beside a dangerously busy road, to avoid it being spread all over the fine leather upholstery of the compact Royce..

Eventually I just let him get on with it, and cleaned up when I returned home. Cleaning up VOMIT is NOT my forté.... Yuk and more Yuk.

Bok, however, was the perfect passenger.


  1. Denny, as a pup, was frequently car sick.

  2. You should let him drive. I never get car sick when I do the driving.

  3. When my friends retriever is sick, the other one eats it!!

    1. I think this might have been the case when I got home.... I didn't like to think about it!

  4. Cro that is yukk poor old Monty he must have been glad to get back home..our Molly got sick as a puppy and we have not been game to try again.Rotten job to have to clean it up.

  5. 'Orrible.

    It's easy enough to think of something else when you're cleaning it up but it's the smell that makes me gag.

    I've found that those large 'do not bend' envelopes (the ones with a sheet of card on the back) are great at shovelling the stuff up neatly.

    Enjoy your breakfasts everybody! :-)

  6. Oh, poor baby! (Monty,that is.) Cleaning up vomit - takes me back to my nursing days. Ah, nostalgia.

  7. This post has made me feel quite ill...

  8. Poor little guy. Not a good traveller.

  9. After 15 years with two travelling dogs our current resident dog can't travel a block in a car. I'm sorry for dogs who can't ride.

    1. Short drives - a few minutes - to a place the dog likes to go e.g. the park or riverside, etc - slowly extend the distance and time in the car and always positive reinforcement, avoid negative feedback at all costs. Dogs are very sensitive to owner criticisms. Try the ginger tablets if a trip is necessary - give about 4 hours before hand.

  10. Cro,...OT question for you. I know that Angelica Bell lived in France, but where did Quentin reside in the UK?

  11. Henry never gets car sick. But I know the smell you speak of, and just thinking about the volume of product you had to deal with makes me a little nauseous myself. The only thing worse is when a dog finds rotten goo in the yard and rolls in it. Yuck!

  12. Not a pleasant ride for anyone. You said it best - Yuk and more yuk.

  13. Poor Cro. And poor Monty! Like Chris, the smell makes me gag, too.

    I always leave the cats home, unless of course i need to take them to the vet's. for the entire 10-minute ride, Phoebe sounds as if she's being tortured, Jo is deadly silent and stock still. Except for the long ride when they moved from the old location to here, we've had no problems. That time, our eldest cat, Grace, messed in the carrier. Poor thing. It was smelly, but easy enough to clean out since the carrier was plastic.


  14. Very descriptive, Cro, as always. We, your gentle readers, are so grateful your camera was at home. And Lady M will be glad to have been on the plane instead of clean up.

  15. I think that would have done me in.And to have to smell it till you got home, nasty. Poor Monty but poor Cro!

  16. Reminds me of a cat we had who didn't travel at all well. In the end I sat in the passenger's seat with her on my lap and a "sick bowl". We just stopped and rinsed it out. She was always sick the same distance from our house - about 5 miles.

  17. poor poor Monty. you should have put him in a crate strapped to the top of the car....if it's good enough for a presidential candidate's dog, it's good enough for Monty.

  18. I can imagine worse thing can leave behind than vomit to clean up ;-)
    Poor Monty. Poor Cro Magnon.
    Our Josy got car sick when we first got her. Drooling immediately when starting and soon throwing up. Homeopathy helped. (Or she just got used to it)
