Sunday 26 February 2012

Mystic Cro's (Absolutely Genuine) Stars for 2012.

Aries: Summer will bring warmth and light. Later in the year it might  become cooler and darker.

Taurus: Be 'bullish' in your dealings this year, and do not be afraid to break china.

Gemini: You will possibly meet twins (hopefully not Jedward), and will laugh rather a lot.

Cancer: Your mother warned you about this.

Leo:  Nothing will happen this year for Leos; well, not a lot anyway..

Virgo: And YOUR mother warned you about this too.

Libra:  This will be your 'Summer of Love' baby.

Scorpio: Just stay indoors, but if you must go out, warn people well in advance.

Saggittarriuss: This is the year for a facelift (and none too soon).

Capricorn:  No idea at all for you lot, but everything will probably be OK (buy my book for further, more precise, info).

Aquarius: Take a beach holiday in July.

Pisces: Same as Aquarius, but in August; July is fully booked .


  1. I look forward to my July holiday Cro but it is a bit cold at the beach are never boring that's for sure.

    1. And my powers of clairvoyance are legendary!

  2. There's many a slip twixt cusp and lip.

    I look forward to the twins but rather suspect that the laughter will be demonic and hysterical.

  3. Well I'm at least three of these star signs then.

    1. I am a gemini... bloody hell what delightful things to look forward to!

  4. Well, I have to say I'm very disappointed in the Leo forecast.

  5. Libra: This will be your 'Summer of Love' baby.

    Sounds perfect! I'm already wearing my tie-dyes and velvet bell bottoms. In fact there used to be a shop in Glastonbury called the Summer of love :-)

  6. That's more accurate than most of the others.

  7. I ran amok in our local department store, smashed lots of china. Now I'm to be up before the Beak tomorrow. Thanks a lot.

  8. I'm wondering what my mother warned me about Cro....but the way my life has been going lately, I shouldn't!

  9. I'm in between aries and taurus, so I will have a hot summer and broken china. Sounds exciting!

  10. Oooooh, a Summer of Love!!! I can hardly WAIT!

  11. That is so funny, Cro; I'm a Cancer and my husband is a Virgo, and we were both warned by our mothers, for sure!!!! Thanks for the laugh..

  12. LOL. I'm a gemini, meeting twins ALL the feckin' time! Mostly pleasant ones, but then there are those ones who are born on the cusp with Cancer, and are, understandably, grouchy on that account.

  13. You make a whole lot more sense than anything I've read in the newspaper column. Have you considered this for a profession? By the way, where are you in the wild year with the stars?

  14. I'm so disappointed in your predictions for leo...I think... and then again maybe that's quite a good thing!!!

  15. Well, crap, maybe I SHOULD get a face lift. (But I was just getting used to my turkey neck ...)
