Sunday 5 February 2012

Google Images.

Have you ever Googled 'images' of yourself?
Almost by accident, I yesterday looked myself up under 'images', and was quite surprised to find the above. There's an illustration of one of my paintings (twice), together with a picture of my good-self looking extremely well coiffed and tidy (I shall leave you to work out which), amongst all sorts of other related and unrelated stuff. Scrolling down further, I also came across a photo of my grandson Harvey J.

Presumably Mr Google makes a random selection from this blog, then posts them under 'images', so why these and not others?

I wonder how they really get there? Have I been accidentally pressing some button that says 'use these at your will'?

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  1. A bit scary. I feel it worthwhile to check up on periodically. Most of the time they are just landscape and fishing photos but having been an artist's model in a previous life, I'm dreading other, more fleshy offerings getting snaffled by google.

    1. A few years back, I actually had some blog-tourists turn up here, on bicycles. They'd worked out where I live through my lack of caution. As it happened they were very nice people, but scary even so!

  2. lol well I must not be too famous,my name seems very common there is a one armed Gymnast called lefty with my name ,there is a small pic of me and the grandchildren when I got my award some years ago but nothing else..gee there are heaps of me...all very does make you wonder though...big brother is watching...

  3. Nearly 9am and it's snowing in SW France... looks like it's going to be serious!

  4. When I google my name it comes up with a load of risque cartoons! There seems to be an artist who produces these drawings who shares my name (I have the most common christian and surname in the world).
    Nearly 7.00 p.m. in Oz and it's sunny. How serious is serious? P.S. Do you know if my pipes are frozen?

    1. I've just Googled Sue Posthelwaite-Soames and got nothing!

    2. We have an outdoor gas bottle, and that is frozen. I hope you drained the pipes!

  5. Just tried it and there were no secrets revealed :-) I had tried the web search before and came up with a bunch of hits for an opera singer... definitely not me!
    No snow here but temps under -10°C under a blue sky

    1. I just get that twat who wrote MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS

  6. "a picture of my good-self looking extremely well coiffed and tidy"

    Oh I am going to print that one off and keep it under my pillow :-D

  7. I just Googled 'Tom Stephenson', and found a load of photos of people with that name, followed by another photo of yours which included wellington boots and an axe.

    I Googled my real name, and found a load of pictures of a famous footballer. Let's hope it stays that way.

    1. Yes, I've heard of the footballer who using your 'real' name. I think his is really Tom Stephenson.

    2. I've just Googled YOUR real name, and blow me - they are all Vicars and Doctors, with one mug-shot of a young, black 'criminal' thrown in.

  8. A little scary. I will have to see what comes up for me. Never thought of images.

  9. I don't want to see my pictures. But yours are lovely. Have you ever looked up and tried to locate your house? My location is wrong, but it's fun to look up small towns that I write about, or the town I grew up in. Actually, what's really funny is to look up: 'funny google map pictures.' Some cray stuff there.

    1. Yes I have, Amy. But as we're right away from civilisation, the picture is very hazy. I shall have a look at FGMP.

  10. As long as they use the skinny pictures of me, I don't mind. :)

  11. I've never thought of doing that. I'm off to do it now!

  12. Yes I do keep an eye on things now. Your photos look good, Cro.

  13. Ooer! Was a bit concerned by this but thankfully (and annoyingly, actually!!) the only pic of me is a vile one from my work's website. Grrr!!

  14. It is a bit scary to think anyone can use your photos. Yours, however, are impressive so they will be well used, I'm sure!!

  15. Can't say that I've ever tried that before. I've googled my name and amateur radio call sign before, and have found scads of stuff, but my image? Almost afraid to look. (But of course, I WILL now ...)

  16. Well, I'm safe. Google is too taken up with the American actress of the same name to give space to me. But there is another illustrator out there with my name. Now that IS annoying!
