Tuesday 7 February 2012

EXCLUSIVE: You will probably never see this again!

It was minus 9 degrees C when I went this morning to let out the hens, and give them their breakfast.
In the nesting box there was just one very large egg, which I took back to the house before embarking on the daily riot known as 'dog walking'.

When I put the egg on the kitchen table, it rolled over showing this huge split from one end to the other (which I hadn't previously noticed); the egg was FROZEN SOLID.

Poor old chook; I do hope it wasn't frozen BEFORE it emerged.

I later fried it for the dogs!


  1. And now floods of people are going to tell me that it happens regularly.

  2. Egg cosies. That's what you need. Crocheted egg cosies. Until you can get a supply I think you'd better go out to the hens every hour, on the hour, rub your hands together to warm them and then apply ten minutes of palm-heat to each hen's bottom as a stop-gap measure. It's the humane thing to do. You could whistle while you warmed. Something from Vera Lynn's repertoire would go well.

    1. I'm even keener, on the brown eggs of Edwina.... etc, a la Sunday whistling. Yes, I like that.

  3. Brr! Now that's cold. I've never heard of that happening before. Poor hens.

    "I'm even keener ..." sung to the tune of "I'm looking over a 4 leafed clover", no doubt?

  4. Thank God it didn't have icicles hanging from it when it came out. Ouch!

    1. I lost a few like this last year but usually if you have a few hens in a coop they will heat the house with their body warmth quite nicely!....

  5. Are you sure it wasn't a pig-egg, Cro?

  6. That totally looks like a cat's eyeball.

  7. I'm with Cathy -- that's what I thought when I first saw it. Sure is mighty cold there! Hope the hens don't freeze to death.

  8. Now that's a good example of cold weather. I feel for you (and the hen).

  9. You need to find some way of warming the hen house a tad...poor old girl that laid that one is going to be sore today.

  10. Amazing! 'the daily riot that is dog walking' - yes, I certainly recognise that description! :)

  11. That poor ol' hen. Maybe you should smear her bottom with a bit of petroleum jelly in case she lays another giant. Now, there's jokes around here that farmers feed their hens ice chips in the summertime to prevent them from laying hard-cooked eggs, but I've never heard of an egg freezing solid before. Must be some kinda serious cold there.

  12. Never seen that before..I am amazed how it is cracked absolutely perfectly in a line,so does that secretly mean there is a join in an egg?
    Gosh Cro I can't even imagine how cold it must be bet the dogs tippy toe on the frosty ground..hillarious..

    1. That's a very good point, Carole. Why didn't it split horizontally?

  13. Hmm. eye wateringly large....

  14. Blimey - I've never seen the like! Our three have got the hump with the weather and are off lay again. Varmints! Forcing me to buy bliddy eggs! Don't they know I'm on a budget!!

  15. Poor hen...I, too, hope she wasn't THAT cold!!! Brrr! (It's kinda pretty though...)

  16. Bloody Hell...that's cold! We are having the exact opposite winter....warmish...only one snow so far ....I am ready for spring!!

  17. buy some of those hand-warmers and put them in their nest if this frigid weather continues!! Never seen this before. Stay warm Cro, when you can.

  18. Astonishing egg. I am going to bake your soda bread this afternoon in a selfless, albeit rather pointless, act of cross-hemispheric solicitude.
