Saturday 7 January 2012

Winter's solution

I've never made a secret of the fact that I dislike winter intensely. I hate the cold, I detest snow, I become depressed, my whole body tends to ache for months on end, I manage to achieve one painful stiff neck after another, my lips crack, I walk around looking like an over-padded sumo wrestler, and (worst of all), France's beautiful women no longer wear their delightful flighty summer dresses.

So I've decided that, starting from this Autumn, I shall spend all future winters in hospital. I shall book myself in, on or around mid-September, and stay until mid-April. That way any minor, or major, ailment can be treated at once, and with the constant attention of several pretty nurses, they can make sure that nothing nasty turns-up unexpectedly.

Now it's just a matter of finding a free, Riviera based, five star, gourmet-hospital that's willing to take me.

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  1. Hmm, good luck with that, Cro!

  2. Careful Cro - your wish might come true...

  3. You had me going there for a minute and then I broke out in a big smile when I realized you wanted to stay in the Riviera. Very good choice Cro.

    I don't like the cold either. Probably comes from living in the islands for years. Hope you stay warm.

  4. Well, there's a project for you Cro. Let us know how it works out.

  5. I don't like the cold, but I do love snow and you can't have snow without cold. You really don't want to be in a hospital, Cro. You just need to make a plan that will help you get through winter without the blues. Make this a time to concentrate on garden planning, maybe take a vacation, read more, get an exercise plan, get a 'winter blues' light near your computer (look them up, they really do exist and are supposed to help), buy some new music that make you want to dance, rent some movies. The fact is, winter comes and there's nothing any of us can do about it. You have to make it enjoyable somehow. Maybe you should paint more in the winter. Using thick globs of bright colors might help warm you up! Whatever you do, please keep your chin up and things will get better. Take care.

  6. You're probably right, Amy. I shall get out there and paint (when it's not too cold or wet).

  7. If you never have a winter could you have a summer to compare it to? It's this time of year that anticipation of the summer to come builds inside you and makes it all the more welcome when it arrives. This is a beautiful time of the year.

  8. Shut indoors for seven months breathing stall, recycled air?! That sound even worse than a miserable Canadian winter (and I'm Canadian).

  9. I have a friend who would like to do that too. I am a winter kind of gal. I know, crazy.

  10. I was thinking Brazil, myself. South of the equater. Great beaches with beautiful women. No need for hospital -- and it would probably cost less!! (Maybe not in France, but here in the US a hospital stay like that would ruin your finances forever.)

  11. Now would be the time to visit Tenpin in Queensland - that will be nice and warm

  12. Console yourself with eating more food. Cold weather uses up more calories so you're allowed to indulge. (It's raining in Oz today!)
