Wednesday 18 January 2012

A Winter's Afternoon Walk.

We headed due South, up where the Wild Boar had been digging the previous night. They make a terrible mess, turning up large areas of pasture on their search for roots and worms.

Past the small patch of delightful wild Parasol Pines.

Past someone's woodpile, and down the steep stony track that's mostly used by weekend hunters.

Then into the woods where, miles from the nearest house, this old marmite hangs from a stunted tree; no doubt waiting for some present day witch to come brewing her spider and dandelion soup.

Then, after chasing some poor Roe Deer, off home again; hopefully with two tired dogs. The boys love being in the woods; they enjoy everywhere, but deep in the woods is their favourite. Mine too.

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  1. A place to breathe and feel right

  2. Nice walk. That pot must be one of the few French things that haven't made it to British antique shops.

  3. There is something very special about going for a walk with a canine companion(s).

  4. And it looks as though you had some sun!

  5. Thanks for taking us on your walk with you. Kinda. I had no idea wild boars made such a god-awful mess of the ground. (the dirty pigs!) And I'd never seen a parasol pine before, either. What neat-looking trees. Well-named, too.

  6. and don't forget the fabulous smells out in the fresh air! I love the fragrance of dirt, the earth, and the molding leaves underfoot. And I love to watch the doggies go nuts over all scents hitting their noses.

  7. Enjoyed the morning walk with you. Thanks.

  8. Oh, yeah, I love the parasol pines. Never seen them before. We have loads of southern pines, but not these.
