Tuesday 10 January 2012

That Painful Hand.

A week ago I bored you with the tale of my painful right, then left, hands.
At one point I seriously thought that my life was going to inextricably change for the worse. I could hardly open and close my fingers, all strength had gone, and I was in permanent PAIN. I imagined it would be (and still may be) with me for ever.

But things have now improved. I DID take Ibuprofen for the pain; which helped considerably (thank you), and also kept it as still as possible, which was not easy with all my wood chopping and dog walking duties.

I can still just feel that something had gone seriously wrong, so am being cautious; but in general I think that whatever it was has, for the moment, passed (I'm touching wood). I'm baffled!

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  1. Happy Ibuprofen helped!

  2. I take the 800mgs. I have hand issues myself. Mostly, they never write me cute notes. ;-) Feel better and get those hands checked out! You sort of need them.

  3. something triggered tendonitis and you kept on doing it = RSI
    Glad it is improving

  4. You passed it on to me partially! Shooting pain in right thumb whilst driving yesterday. I actually thought of your post at the time it happened.

  5. I think you may have reached that age when a day's log-chopping is not so easy as it was. I know that my hands have been permanently f***** by all the serious abuse I have given them whilst bashing stone.

  6. I shouldn't still doing 'heavy' work AT MY AGE! Not surprising the body complains from time to time. Sadly, there is no alternative (that suits me).

  7. The body is an amazing healing thing Cro...just trust!

  8. Glad that hand's better Cro.

    You seem to have developed a strange letter shaped rash on it now though!

  9. I too have reasons to be grateful for Ibuprofen. Beyond that, I have medications without which I would die and it is always frustrating that there is no way of writing to the people who devised them with thanks. (At least, I don't think there is.)I hope your hands recover, stay recovered and that the pain doesn't pop up somewhere else in your body.

  10. Glad there has been improvement, but you should still get it checked out.

  11. SO. You're forgetting that I'm a bloke.... we don't do doctors, unless we're dying; or something's just fallen off!

  12. The mere consideration of a doctor causes ailments to be miraculously cured...

  13. Glad to hear the hands are feeling better Cro...I think you should take a look at the whole body...could be something that you pulled in your neck or back...my advice, for what its worth...is to start doing daily stretches, only takes a few minutes each morning and evening...come on give it a try!

  14. That is a nice hand...glad it's feeling better!

  15. I found it helpful to try to do tasks with my left hand, since it is not affected by tendonitis and carpal tunnel. I use my computer mouse with my left hand and that has made a huge difference. Glad your hand is feeling better. Hope it stays that way, but inflammation is a tricky bastard and requires vigilance.

  16. 'shouldn't be doing heavy work'?? Nonsense, Cro, you are obviously a man in your prime! ;)

  17. Glad it's better, hope it gets completely better soon. I think I said before that sometimes the smallest injury can bring a great amount of pain. Letting it rest sounds like a good idea.

  18. I had to smile about your comment "we are blokes and things falling off" as in our house it would be when and only when the most precious part of the body fell off would you find our Mr Bob at the doctors lol!he went not long ago to have a sun spot removed,the nurse told him as he had not been there before they would like a form filled out and take some blood..his reaction...typical he came home with sunspot,with all his blood and "bloody doctors,not going back there" lol what a sook no wonder God gave the gift of childbirth to women as the world would be very sparsley populated!.

  19. So glad your hand's better Cro. When folks ask you how you are, all you got to do is point to your hand

  20. Hi! I popped over from Starkey Hollow...you're blog is really a fun read and I sure hope your hand is better. I work with Donna in surgery and I hope you don't end up there...well, I should say "there" in France. Have a good week!

  21. Hello Yaya, and thank you everyone.
