Thursday 26 January 2012

It'll be All White on the Night.

I suppose, as collectors, we all have our little obsessions (Tom candlesticks, John hens). Mine concerns what we eat off, from, or with.

I collect old (not necessarily antique) French tin-glazed white peasant tableware. At local car-boot-sales or antique shops, I have to be tied down at the sight of an old soup tureen or a large white oval platter. I'd hate to think how many I already have, but there's always room for more.

These sauce boats, with the fixed saucer, are also a particular favourite, as well as their smaller cousins the mustard pots.

Plain white jugs are another must. They remind me of dairies, cheese making, clotted cream; and, of course, ruddy faced farmer's daughters in white lacy aprons.

Strangely in this last photo (of the two jugs) the sides look to be straight; in fact they both splay out quite considerably to the bottom. Proving, I suppose, that the camera DOES occasionally lie.


  1. I love that soup tureen. And I love the restaurants in France where they place an enormous tureen on the table and you just help yourself to as much soup as you want.

    1. Sue, one of the now defunct V du Pd restaurants used to have soup plates with 3 stripes around the inside. The lowest one said Femme, the middle one Homme, and the top one Cochon.

    2. I forgot to add, that I always went for Cochon... usually twice!

  2. I do like the simplicity of those pieces.

  3. Having domestic ceramics for an obsession must be a very satisfying thing in France!

  4. Sadly Cro, I do not have any of the above-photographed items. I adore those white jugs.

  5. Beautiful tureen, Mr. M. I love things that are for the kitchen or serving.
    Wonderful post today.

  6. I also have a "slight" obsession for white dishes, bowls, and other accessories. They are not of the quality that you have, but I do enjoy setting a beautiful table.

    Do you use your dishes Cro, or are they just displayed as a collection?

    1. We use as much as possible. I'm very insistent on food being presented attractively.

  7. Cro, I would love it so much if you would be the official Midlife Farmwife photographer. It would be grand not to have my bottom splaying out at the sides.

  8. how utterly a non-practising ceramisist I still have a love of china, particularly white stuff, particular bowls and always on the look out for the perfect bowl: one that is deep enough to work with cereal, soup, noodles, salad whatever, without kink or bulge ....... bizarrly Ikea did what I considered to be the perfect white bowl but now they've put in a kink at the base.....the search continues!!

  9. Lovely pieces.

    I have an assortment of china, since i'm of the next to youngest generation in my family, and the one who was always careful with breakable things. Like you, i like to use them. It adds something to even the simplest meals.


  10. Your pieces of 'pottery' are lovely and elegant in line and form. You have a good eye! I have a thing for an English pattern, blue and white, called "East Indies." I get such pleasure from using them every day! A milk jug, a cream jug, plates of all sizes, and bowls. Yummy.

    1. I saw your plate recently, and had to hold back from making a comment. I have loads of those plates just sitting in a cupboard unused. If I lived nearer, I'd be round with a prezzie!
