Saturday 17 December 2011

Right Handed Dog.


People who own a dog will probably have noticed that when they run, they position their bodies at a slight angle to the direction in which they are heading. This allows the back legs not to touch the front legs when in full flight.

I've recently noticed that Monty points himself slightly to the left of his direction, and his friend, Bok, slightly to the right.

I must conclude from this that Monty is Right Handed, and Bok Left Handed (or the opposite). When running side by side, at the same speed, it is plain to see that they definitely possess opposing dominant spheres!

Yes, I'm sure Monty is Right Handed. Or maybe Left.


  1. There's a long stretch of path near where I live where many dogs are taken for walks. There are always some running along there. Over and over I ask myself(and my husband - though he has never been able to answer) why dogs always run sideways. Now I know.

  2. Ah, but when settling on a bed to sleep do they turn predominantly clockwise or anticlockwise - and do they change direction when you take them over the equator?

  3. Maybe sub-equatorial male dogs also cock the other leg?

  4. when I spoke to Monty in the summer he told me he was "South paw"..!


  5. That's an interesting concept. I have noticed my dog veering slightly to the left when running but didn't attach any significance to it. I have just discovered your blog. How I envy you living in France!

  6. Hi Jennyta. I used to live up your way before I moved here 40 years ago. Your envy is warranted!

  7. We did try to move to France but, with our usual unerring accuracy for bad timing, our decision coincided almost to the day with the beginning of the recession - no house buyers etc...
    Ah well, in my next life, maybe. :)

  8. I say, I say, I say - My dog has no nose.

  9. I bet Monty is perfectly bilingual too!

  10. Wot; canine anosmia? All right Tom... how does he smell?

  11. Hmmmm, I will have to make a mental note of this, to notice what my boys are.

  12. Ya just never know what you're gonna learn when you stop by at Cro's place. Interesting. I'd never thought about the way a dog runs before. As for how Tom's dog smells, I reckon that depends on when he had his last bath. (or what he's been rolling around in)

  13. Hmmm, interesting! I'll have to watch mine to see what happens!

  14. I've never thought about that, although I have noticed that Henry will run at an angle sometimes, but only because he's too long and with the wind shear his butt pushes to the side like a sail. Sometimes, when he's running after a squirrel, he runs straight forward, but with a bent back. I can't get get a good reading with a dachshund.

  15. Your range of topics never ceases to surprise me,I am waiting for Molly to take a run so I can observe what she does lol, I have never noticed.

  16. Ambidextrous perhaps!?
