Tuesday 13 December 2011

Proper Breakfast.

OK; I'm 6ft 1in tall, and weigh-in at 16 stone. Maybe that's because I've never deprived myself of a decent breakfast; or maybe it's because I'm a biggish lad, that I need a decent breakfast.

It's an old adage that 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day'. I'm not saying that I eat a fried breakfast every day, but I probably do 3 or 4 times a week.

And it has to be real food. Real bacon, with no nasty chemicals injected into it. Occasionally real Black Pudding made from proper wet fresh ingredients (adherents will know what I mean). And, providing that my girls are feeling generous, a couple of fried, free range eggs.

40 years ago (when I was a mere lithesome 15 stone) I might well have washed it down with a small glass of red wine, but I can no longer cope with such things, so that's been replaced by coffee. A small glass of either Cider or Guinness would also have been good.

We should never deprive ourselves of the finer things in life. Not only are they not as bad for you as the killjoys would have you believe, but they are also much less expensive than you might think.


  1. Breakfast? Best meal of the day. I always have a couple of them laid out in the early afternoon. Damned fine way to get in the mood for tea later. Stops the stomach from shrinking.

  2. wine at breakfast...... how very upper class of you

  3. I'm afraid, John, that over here it would've been seen as rather 'oikish'.

  4. I remember something about you going down to the front at Brighton and polishing off about 5 banana splits at one sitting - was that you, or am I confusing you with someone else? Oh and it's impossible to make bacon without saturating it with nasty chemicals - sodium chloride, potassium nitrate, or both, usually. I am using both right now to make the best corned beef you can get!

  5. Tom. There's only 3 things in my bacon; salt, sugar, and pepper!

    What are you trying to suggest, Catfish? I'm simply 'big-boned'.

  6. And one of them is sodium chloride - what about those banana splits?

  7. I think that was in the days when I used to consume certain substances; acid in particular. I blame Syd Barrett.

  8. I have to agree about a good brekkie but wine with it would knock me out for the day!Bob is very like you in the fact that good wholesome food is best,the less preserves etc the better..because of our work start time he has his bacon etc just on the weekends...wow your bones are large just as well you have stopped growing (hee hee hee).

  9. I wasn't going to mention the LSD in public, but I just wanted you to know that you are the only person I have ever met who could consume half a dozen banana splits whilst tripping - surely that says something about your voracious attitude to breakfast????

  10. I think Cro...what you have failed to mention here, is that your life is very physical. From building small towers, to farming Haddocks and converting Tobacco barns, to say nothing of exercising the excellent Monty.
    In order to face such demanding days, a nourishing meal, of real Food, to begin said day (with a small glass of wine - why not?) seems perfectly acceptable.

  11. Here Here!....I'm off now for some pate and home made chutney and I'll wash it all down with a glass of mulled wine....cheers!

  12. Thank you both Jacqueline and Geraldine; the voices of reason!

  13. "You pass this way but once" the saying goes and darn it all why deny yourself some of life's little pleasures. You don't want to be on your death bed saying "I wish I had...." Eat your breakfast Cro and enjoy it.

  14. Hear! Hear! As I've gotten older, I pass on eating things like margarine, lo-fat mayo, or God help us, turkey bacon. None of us are gonna get out of here alive, so I plan on enjoying life while I'm here,and part of that means butter, and REAL mayo and bacon. (Have never had a glass of wine with breakfast before, but it's worth a shot.)

  15. I also couldn't do without breakfast but mine is porridge all year with fruit (peaches at present) and some avocado oil and full cream milk. This is followed by toast.

  16. Wine at breakfast time? Noooooooooo! (Never before 11.00 a.m.)

  17. I will follow your wise advice. I have never been one to deprive myself from too much.

  18. I like what my sister said...so I say ditto to that!

  19. That's because she was right, V.

  20. Mmmmmm, bacon.

    I have a more sedentary job these days so i do not eat as heartily but like you, i opt for real food.


  21. Why can't I find a lovely slab of bacon like that in my neck of the woods?

  22. I love my breakfast. Like you I don't do the fried eggs, etc everyday, but probably 3 times a week, like this morning. I like starting the day with some good wholesome protein. Wishing I had some "girls."

  23. The last (only) time I had kidneys for breakfast - along with fried eggs, thick cut (real) bacon, sausage, mushrooms and fried bread, was at your house (well, you said it was yours) in Oswestry (Salop), up near the race course (well, you said it was a race course), back in 1968. I can't seem to remember being offered wine. But it was splendid anyway. Have you told your blogees about 'red and yellow'? Happy Christmas!! Mr Rainbow x

  24. How good to see you here, Paul. I'd forgotten about 'red and yellow' myself!

    Now it's already the new year, so have a great one.
