Friday 9 December 2011

Dog Week: Monty's Trophy.

Dogs, especially Labradors, are never happy without something in their mouths.

Monty usually picks up logs or branches of all shapes and sizes, but yesterday he turned-up with the above body-less head; it was wet and filthy, so I gave it a good washing and dried it.

Goodness knows where he found it, or who it belongs to.... us I suppose!.... Well, if you MUST throw toys out of your pram...!!
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  1. That's rather fetching (no pun intended). Clever Monty for stealing from toddlers.

  2. We discourage our hounds from bringing back just the head, it's sheer laziness on the part of the dog and it means that the gamekeeper has to match up the heads brought in with bodies found and that all takes time and money.

  3. Somewhere out there is a child with a headless stuffed dog. I bet he/she will love it anyway. Glad that Monte has a new pal.

  4. I can understand why he could not resist bringing this critter home!! How cute.

  5. What a lovely gift for him to retrieve for you...well now that it's all washed and dried of course!

  6. Aw, Monty has a lady friend, now. And without her lady parts, you don't even have to worry about pups. Never mind. Monty doesn't have all his "parts", either, does he? (Hate to say it, but his lady friend is a bit ... stuffy.)

  7. My golden retriever, Buddy, has a basket of stinky stuffed toys. He loves chewing them(thus the stinky part), getting me to toss them and sleeping with his latest love under his chin. That one washed up rather nicely.
