Tuesday 27 December 2011

Boxing Day Dawn.

The fields of Paradise were white with frost, and the sky above was on fire.

The shepherd was certainly warning about something; but what, I wonder?

Yesterday was one of those 'Camera Club' mornings when, had I owned a half-decent £400 camera, I might have been short-listed for National Geographic's 'Photographer of the Year Award'. All was there for the snapping; I just didn't have the up-market kit!

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  1. Simply lovely correct gear or not...

  2. But you should have seen the real thing!

  3. One of the few bonuses of insomnia? I have a friend with a £1500 SLR which is so good that you could make a top-quality feature film with it. 1500 quid doesn't seem so bad for that.

  4. LadyCat gave me a new Canon EOS Rebel T3 for Christmas. I'm very new at this. Hopefully, I can eventually learn how to take great pictures. Happy Boxing Day, Buddy! :)

  5. It's the heart in the photographer's eye that makes the difference Cro, not the gear.
    A loving photo obviously...simply gorgeous.

  6. Looks like you did well with what you had.

  7. "Red sky at night, sailor's delight, red sky in morning, sailors take warning." But if you win a photo contest, you will come out just fine. ANd this is pretty enough to win!

  8. Amy. We say 'Red sky at night, shepherd's delight. Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning'. Or as Spike Milligan said 'Red sky at night, shepherd's cottage on fire. Red sky in the morning, shepherd's cottage still burning'.

  9. It looks pretty stunning to me, Cro - and congratulations on being awake for Boxing Day dawn!

  10. Camera art is not made by the camera, it's made by the heart of the photographer! You did an excellent job capturing a God created moment in time!

  11. Looks pretty good to me!! Hope you've had a lovely festive period me dear x

  12. Kim. I can't post comments on your page! What's up?

  13. I'm not sure Cro - I've tweaked and rebooted and all that malarkey but I'm not sure what's happened :(
