Wednesday 9 November 2011

A rainy afternoon; November.

It doesn't matter where you live, occasionally the weather is so foul that you just have to stay indoors, do nothing, light the fire, drink wine, eat MSG laced nibbles, watch trashy TV, and wait for it to pass.

Also, see tomorrow.

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  1. Everything perfect - except I can rarely find any trashy TV worth watching.

  2. I'll tell you what we watched tomorrow.

  3. Turns a negative into a positive. Lovely dog - I love the way he lies 'around' the rug.

  4. Lovely scene. Nothing like a bit of TV trash. Does Monty still chew his rug?

  5. Not so much, Sue. He now prefers chewing his friend, Bok's, ear.

  6. These days are bliss to long as I am not at work of course...pouring rain,coffee on the brew,radio on and reading for Bob sewing for the heat is so fierce we have the air ons on and even George is indoors and it is only November!

  7. I have to admit that I enjoy days like that, but I don't like too many of them together! I hope your weather improves!

  8. yes... we have had some days like that this week. Rainy and cold... a good time to just curle up in a blanket with a book or watch an old favorite movie... a movie marathon day! :)

  9. There is certainly a difference between a soft rain that you can walk in and a nor'easter lashing at the windows!
    On such days, we give in and just go with the flow indoors. There is a part of me though that always itches to get outside, if only for ten minutes. Hope this foul-weather-spell is brief Cro.

  10. He looks so comfy. Nothng wrong with an "inside" day.

  11. Thanks be that we have no TV and all the rest :)

  12. Trade the TV for a good book, a cozy afghan, and a couple cats on my lap, and it sounds like heaven.

  13. Sounds like true Eden to me, Mr. M. We dodged our blizzard so I couldn't snuggle with my blank-y and hot French vanilla infused coffee. Forget about TV, don't watch much of it, it isn't worth it. I read.
    Have a wonderful Mr. M

  14. I call them November days, even if it is March. So far, on the east coast on the US, we are having a May in November. After all the awful and destructive weather we have had here this year, we deserve this.

  15. I have to say there is great purpose in those sort of days.

  16. Actually SO, we've had a beautiful day here today too. Sunshine all day, and about 20 degrees C. If only all of winter was thus!

  17. where I come from you just described our winter. We rejoice in the nice days and live with the rest.That's why western washington is so green! glad to see your rugs still in one piece! Linda

  18. Your such a busy fellow Cro., all your building, farming, harvesting...I'm sure a day like this must be a treat for you...but I'm thinking the Universe is conspiring with foul weather days to get you into the studio to a canvas and a rest for the creative geniuses.

  19. I don't mind such a day but it's the dark sky I find a bit "downing" if there is such a word....if not I'll invent it!, love that rug though!

  20. What a cosy picture!


  21. Oh, this makes me miss my Ralphy dog.

  22. mmmm... that's life on the Canadian prairies:)
    love the fire place...cozy
