Monday 7 November 2011

Pastures new.

I admit, I'm a bit of an hermit, and tend not to venture too far from home. However, my chum Terry recently told me of a newly discovered dog-walking path, so we decided to give it a go.

The path was staggeringly beautiful, but as usual not another person in sight. We are so privileged, more often than not it's as if we have the world to ourselves.

There was something for everyone. Monty jumped in and out of every available stream or puddle. Lady M was deep in thought, trying to remember her recipe for Moussaka that she's preparing for tonight (I've got the day off). And me, well I kicked leaves, hummed a few Vera Lynn favourites, and took snaps.

This was a 'valley' walk, with high rocky escarpments on both sides. There were gorgeous shade-loving wild plants everywhere.

I'm just amazed that we found no caves (inhabited or not).Posted by Picasa


  1. That looks like a beautiful walk. I love autumn walks through the woods. Was it close to 'home' or did you drive?

  2. How absolutely wonderful and so different from our area,although I imagine up in the national park we would find loveliness but somehow I do not think it would beat your walk today,glad Monty had fun and you two young pups

  3. Great views on that trek. All the better for having it all to yourselves. Lucky things.

  4. Sue, we had to drive 7 kms. It was at Lavaur, but difficult to describe exactly where.

  5. That could be a Surrey lane, Cro - I'm thinking Moor Park (and that DOES have a cave).

  6. It's very much like parts of Surrey, but no Mother Ludham here, I'm afraid.

  7. I often feel privileged when I walk in a place where no one else is around. It's magical.

  8. Looks lovely Cro...I'm always excited to find somewhere new to explore.

  9. You'd have loved here, Jacqueline. Nooks and crannies everywhere; an explorers dream!

  10. My it is so pretty where you live. Thanks for sharing it all with us.

  11. Streams, fallen leaves, ferns, solitude, silence....sounds like a recipe for inner happiness.
    I love that photo of Lady M., it's like she's walking along taking care not to disturb a single fallen leaf...lovely.

  12. Stunning and mystical photos of Lady M and your stunning surroundings, thank you for sharing, Mr. M.
    Denimflyz in the US

  13. I love walking in a woodland with the crisp, colorful leaves beneath my feet.

    It looks like a lovely trail Cro. You, Lady M and Monte should venture out more often.

  14. It's nice where there are places for hermits to go.

  15. yes that lane is a spit of one here....too

    nothing wrong in being a hermit cro... mind you , if you think about it you are not really... look at all the places you visit daily on the blog?
    fuck I sound like mary poppins

  16. What a delightful way to spend a day, and you, dear sir, were kind enough to share the experience with us. Almost as good as being there, only we didn't stomp through the leaves to disturb your peace and quiet!

  17. Oh, Cro its just incredible. So peaceful and quiet looking! I'll transport myself there for a nice walk myself...I'm off.. Linda

  18. Beautiful, best time for a walk.
