Monday 14 November 2011

Living Pinacle.

The Buzzard is not a rare bird, but it's both impressive and statuesque.

These poor birds are permanently chased by Crows, so a short interlude sitting atop our barn must be very welcome.

I hope it makes our roof a regular resting spot. You're welcome any time Mr Buzzard, just don't start looking in the direction of my hens.

I took the above photo about a month ago, and I'm pleased to say he's been sitting there every day since. We've even named him..... It had to be didn't it.... Buzz.

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  1. On my daily walks I often see the bald eagles here being pestered by the crows...unrelenting they are as the eagles soar so gracefully in the sky.
    Buzz is a lovely addition to the Magnon family...what does Freddie have to say about that!

  2. He keeps out of sight, although the dogs always look skywards when he's soaring above them.

  3. How lovely is he..look at his chest,so royal..hope he stays and hope he leaves the hens alone he may be stalking lol..

  4. I counted 12 one day
    Turning lazy circles in the sky.
    I love their cat like calls

  5. That's a coincidence - the buzzard that hangs around my workshop is called 'Buzzie'. I wonder if they are related?

  6. An almost haiku from John. Sheer poetry describes these birds in motion. Lovely post and even lovelier comments.

  7. I can't be completely positive, but I am thinking this is some sore of Hawk. I would keep an eye on my hawk and buzzard images.

  8. Like John, I see them regularly either circling above the plot, or perched on top of a compost heap tearing open a rat. (I like Buzzards!!)

    They are enormouse birds and exquisite.

  9. I think Kat's right. But I've seen more hawks than buzzards.

  10. I'm no bird expert, but the picture looks more like a hawk than a buzzard to me, too. Only thing I know about buzzards is ... at my age, I get terribly nervous when I see them hanging around.

  11. Beautiful creature isn't he? The buzzard I mean - altho you ain't so bad yourself Cro!! hehe... We have several buzzards which wheel around over the field for ages at a time - and you're right - being chased ever upwards by the resident crows and seagulls. I love hearing them call though - such a plaintive sound on a warm summer's day.

  12. Buzzards were plentiful here in mid-Wales but now the once-so-rare red kites seem to have taken over and we hardly ever see a buzzard!

  13. I didn't know about their nemesis the crow! Thanks for the info since i often see buzzards and crows in our neighborhood. Now I know their true pecking order!!

  14. Just as long as he doesn't "Buzz" your chooks, Mr. M.
    I have quite a few hawks, and buzzards, especially the red headed, "Turkey vulture" that torment my song birds and wood peckers, and they are very awesome and stealthy, flying between the trailers here that are no more that 5 ft between homes, and sometimes just barely over my head, only hearing wind going by my ears.
    Great photo, Mr. M.
    Have a great week.
