Saturday 26 November 2011

Best Friend Bok.(Canine Canoodling)

If you were to visit Magnon Towers, you'd be forgiven for thinking that we own TWO dogs. Monty's friend, Bok, seems to think he lives here as well (see yesterday's posting).

We don't feed him, nor do we encourage him, he is just 'Monty's Best Friend'. Lady M returns him to his owners on a regular basis (just a matter of 400 ms away), but he simply comes back again.

I'm seriously considering asking them if they'd like to sell him.... well, he lives here anyway. That way, at least we could make sure that he has his jabs, worm tablets, and nasty insect repellents. At the moment I suspect he goes untreated.

The picture above shows him at 6.30 am (having spent the whole night outside our front door); he was just desperate to be back with Monty.

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  1. I do hope you manage to adopt him. Life with two dogs, especially two dogs who love each other, is so much more fun.

  2. We had the same thing with ourt neighbours lab, until one day, she decided to kill and eat all our chickens!!
    Since then she has had a collar that zaps her everytime she goes past her front gate, so we never see her, but she has really aged and put on loads of weight

  3. Dogs and chickens don't mix. Our two just look through the wire fencing and lick their lips.

  4. cro
    ask away.. as a dog owner I would always agree to let a dog go if he found his own happy home

  5. I hope Bok gets to come and live with You and Lady M and Monty.

  6. My daughter had the same situation with a cat and finally adopted it.
    Best friends are a wonderful thing,....huh Cro??

  7. Poor Bok, waiting outside in the cold, shivering. Do ask Cro. The worse they can say is no. You could make two beautiful babies so happy.

  8. How sweet. Maybe he likes it just the way it is. We used to have a dog that had two homes, but we OWNED him. I have no idea why he even went to the other home, never bothered to ask. One day when I went to the other home to "get" Sox, well the other owner said "get down Earl" when he jumped up on the side of the car. I laughed my butt off, they had even named him.

  9. It's nice to see two boys getting on like that. Let's hope they continue to behave with decorum - at least indoors when you have guests around.

  10. Go ask. The only reason you don't have a two headed dog there is they came in different colors.

  11. Such a lovely story. We're not really dog people but a sweet elderly wire-haired terrier adopted us on our visits to our French ruin. He belonged to a vet down the lane but spent all day and some nights with us when we were in residence. My brother named him 'Ish' because he looked a bit Jack Russell-ish. Sadly the vet moved last year and our little friend with her. I hope you get to keep Bok.

  12. I do hope Bok can come and live with you full time! Go ask.

  13. Monty's friend looks very at home at your house. Like Judith says - I think you should ask if he can stay with you too.

  14. He has adopted you it seems.

  15. I would love my little Molly to find a friend like Bok...hope he gets to stay with you.
