Monday 31 October 2011

That bloody 'tower' again. (An anti-Halloween posting)

I thought I'd end the tower's first year of existence by showing you how well all the plants have fared. Basically there are just 3 plants on the East side (the side you can see); a Vine, a Wisteria, and, protected from the animals, in the corner, a Fig. The big bushy thing in front of the interconnecting wall is a common pink flowering Lavatera, and I have made an arch with the vines over the gate.

Next year I expect all of these to really perform. In fact I hope it to be swamped by Summer.

On the North and West walls are two Clematis, a Nelly Moser, and a Montana; two classic 'doers' that have almost reached the roof. There is also a climbing Hydrangea 'Schizophragma' that has already started to send out healthy looking clinging shoots.

My aim is to have the whole building swathed in foliage so that the walls almost disappear. The fun part will then be to cut back and leave what will eventually become more permanent.
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  1. Stunning! What a wonderful thing you've created Cro...your grandsons will be proud...'this is the tower that Cro built'

  2. But where are the pumpkins?

  3. So Cro's Folly will truly be a green building?

    Awesome build.

  4. men with their sheds!

    and that shad is the BEST!!!!!!!!!

  5. 'SHED' is probably a more apt word than 'tower'. Even SHAD would do!

  6. Has it been a year already?

  7. I'm a newby, so I will have to go back to see your chronicles on building the tower - it is magnificent.

  8. I love the Tower. Can't wait for midsummer's post of it covered green! I just chopped back all my foundation bushes around the house and it looks so bare. Will be better next summer, hopefully.

  9. MG.Lady Magnon and myself built all but a small part, including the roof, all the roof's timbers, the plastering, exterior rendering, etc, etc. Not something we shall repeat in a hurry (although we are just about to convert an old Tobacco barn).

  10. Can't wait to see it in full-bloom Cro. Your discipline amazes me.

  11. oh good another posting on the tower! I'm impressed with what's growing so far! It's going to be lovely when it's completely covered. I hate halloween also the look of "fall" pumpkins sitting about. love linda

  12. Cro I never tire of seeing the tower, we all feel we know it so well watching it from the ground up..personally I just think its the greatest thing and totally agree about the day that just was lol

  13. What wonderful plans you have. It should be beautiful when it all comes to fruition. Right now though, it is very attractive.

  14. It really is very beautiful Cro. It certainly looks well 'bedded in' now the plants are taking hold against it.

  15. I can imagine all those climbers in full bloom too. Wisteria is my favourite - it looks fantastic

  16. It looks magnificent now Cro! I can only imagine how much prettier it will be with all the plant growth. Like a tower!

  17. That is fab. I want one. Not quite sure it can be achieved up here but I want one anyway
