Saturday 15 October 2011

Still No Rain!

It's hot and it hasn't rained for ages, and this poor blighter above is cutting a meager crop of late hay. What grass there is is dried up and totally unwholesome, but I suppose that if it's all there is.... 

The dust he's kicking up is horrendous; I've never seen anything like it. He's cutting an area of about one hectare, and I'd be surprised if he gets more than two or three large round bales from it.

Nearer to home, I've given in to the drought and have re-assembled my sprinkler system up at Haddock's. My brussels sprouts aren't swelling, so I'm having to water them artificially. We can't not have sprouts for Christmas; can we. Posted by Picasa


  1. Are you on mains water, or is it a well?

  2. Poor chappy and same for you with the garden, we have been having more rain than usual which is great because as you know we will soon be into a long hot summer,today started out rainy,then windy then so hot this afternoon it reminded us that summer is around the corner,3 seasons in a day..who knows!

  3. SH. We have mains (spring) water, but I understand that the subterranean water levels are dangerously low. I think we'll soon have to consider saving every drop possible from the roofs etc, by sinking a huge tank.

  4. Please, Cro, have some of ours!

    Nothing worse than shriveled sprouts.

  5. Christmas without sprouts might as well be spent on Bondai Beach.

  6. Funny you should say that Tom. We are spending Christmas in Oz this year and my OH only pondered yesterday whether or not we would be able to get any sprouts out there to go with the turkey.

  7. I am on the east coast of the US and we are literally drowning in water. The rains go on for days and days. There has also been flooding. I love rain so I don't complain. Wish I could send some of it your way.

  8. Fall here is wet and wild...somewhat like our spring was this year.

  9. Too bad we haven't figured out how to distribute the rain. One part of the world dries up, and another floats away. We've been in an extreme drought here, too, but got a bit of rain earlier this week. I hope you get some soon, too.

  10. I think it's the driest time we've had here too. The stream along the side of the garden is all but dried up. A worrying time for the farmers.

  11. If I could Cro, I'd send you several truck's been chucking it down here for a couple of days now.

  12. I expect I'll be complaining about the rain soon enough!
