Saturday 29 October 2011

Dead Badger.

If you should venture reasonably close to chez Cro, you may think that there are bizarre ritualistic offerings afoot.

In fact it's just me putting the dead carcasses of Badgers up into the trees; out of the reach of the dogs.

My neighbour, who is desperate to reduce our huge Badger population, tends to leave the dead creatures lying where they were caught. When completely putrid, there's nothing more attractive to both Monty and his friend Bok than to roll in the stinking, fly-blown, mess, and return to the house with huge smiles across their faces.  

So, with the aid of a long stick, and a clothes peg, I put them out of harm's way. It does look as if we practice some unpleasant form of Voodoo, but in fact it's far less interesting. Our next big bonfire will see them gone!

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  1. I love it. You should dance around the fire as you burn the carcasses. Might as well make a big show of it all. :-)

    I wonder, why do dogs roll in stink?

  2. If only one knew! Dégoûtant!

  3. I find that they tend to attract Welsh politicians, so I just leave them by the side of the road.

  4. They all do it...even Mom and Dads little mini dachsie used to roll in anything she could find that was dead and smelly..even worms on the sidewalk. I wonder if WE smell so bad to them that they are trying to drown out our stink.

  5. You are a better man that I am Cro...I couldn't get within ten feet of it, never mind hoist it up a you not have carrion birds in France?

  6. I am all for the bonfire! I have a coyote on the game cam I would like to do the same to.

  7. I'm going to keep dead badgers in mind at Christmas time. Should make fine "natural" decorations for the fir trees in the front yard.

  8. I hear badger-hair shaving brushing are very expensive!
    Between the pomegranates and badgers hanging in your trees you could make a fortune Cro!

  9. Not sure how I'll feel if a dead badger falls on my head next time I'm walking through the woods.

  10. I think it's gross that these people kill them and more gross that they leave their carcasses about to rot. The stench is unbearable.

  11. Interesting...very interesting...
