Friday 7 October 2011

AD or CE?

Most political correctness really makes me puke.

All my life, 'years' have been classified as either BC or AD; now for some bizarre reason the PC brigade think it must be changed to BCE (before common era), and CE (common era).

I'm no God botherer, but can someone PLEASE explain to me, when in the near future we are all obliged to refer to 10 BCE  and 10 CE , what will be the dividing point? If, as I presume, the dividing line will continue to be the attributed date for the birth of Christ, then everything stays the same. So why on earth pretend to change the unchanging?

May I suggest an even more (Muslim friendly) politically correct version. How about for 'BC', BCEBCMMETM (before common era, before Christ, and much much earlier than Mohammed), and for 'AD', CEADHMBM (common era, anno domini, and half a millennium before Mohammed). Failing that, why not call next year 'YEAR ONE'; forget the whole stupid bloody PC nonsense, and start from bloody scratch!

p.s. I've just heard that they're now trying to do away with GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) as well...... is nothing bloody sacred. I'm bloody furious!

© Cro Magnon MMX1 (AD). 12.52 pm (GMT).


  1. Holy crap. Are you serious? I have a hard enough time remembering all my passwords, let alone a new classification for the accounting of years. God help us. Please.

  2. Beautiful politically incorrect picture of Jesus. In these CE times, shouldn't he be black?!

  3. Shit Cro, don't get started on this one.

    I've clean bitten through my hand to stop a major rant on your lovely blog pages...

  4. LG. Why, wasn't he a white Caucasian blue-eyed hippy after all? There goes another of my beliefs shattered.

  5. She/he could have been a female as well!

  6. I wonder if the Moslems will take it up. I think we may now be in the year 1500 and something according to their calendar.

  7. Excellent. I can now sell my imac as a genuine 16th Century computer. Should make a fortune...

  8. I have difficulty knowing what time it is in the am or pm let alone where I am in the space/time continuum.....I really don't care what silly letters (combinations thereof) someone locked in their ivory tower decides to use. I very seldom need to define a segment of time as before or after Christ. Let them muddle about. I have better things to do.

  9. Oh yes...they are at it again! well stupid I think. and a waste of more time, energy oh and of course!!!!

  10. It must have cost a ton of tax-payers (us) money to prepare, carry out and review the countless studies required to prove the necessity for this gem Cro. Bloody expensive rubbish.

  11. I think it's totally ridiculous...

  12. Let's just go by the Chinese calendar, after all, they make most of them.

  13. Oh Dear Cro. May I puke with you ? So much idle time spent trying not to hurt anyones feelings. Grade elimination in schools so the little weaklings won't "feel bad" When did feelings take priority over conscience, ability and action ? Your post makes me want to punch something BC (Because I Can)

  14. While I am usually very pro PC, this solves nothing since Christ's supposed birth date is STILL the demarcation. But, I have been dealing with the BCE/CE designation since about 1997, possibly longer. Why are you fussing at this late date? (JK) LOL...okay, fuss all you want. Hey, I like your method since it uses more letters of the alphabet, giving more of them a chance to shine.

    BCE can be interpreted as Before the Christian Era, and CE can be interpreted as Christian Era. Nothing solved!

    Common Era was used in the 15th Century, by the way.

  15. I really wish they'd start at 1...

  16. I truly think that the PC folk are pedantically effin mad!

  17. Ouch, I believe you've touched a sore spot with a lot of people, Cro. How bizarre it is that we live in an era where off-the-wall political correctness and unbearable off-the-wall rudeness and irresponsibility coexist.
