Sunday 18 September 2011

Next Door.

Looking over the wall from Haddock's into next door's garden, I'm met by this huge swathe of wild flowers.

At the beginning of the year they constructed an extension to their car parking area by dumping several hundred lorry loads of earth and rubble; frankly it was an eyesore for quite a while.

Then suddenly top soil was spread all over, the whole area sown and watered, and this is the result.

In my photo you can only see about a quarter of it, but it's really quite spectacular. And, as they're not really 'gardeners', it's probably the best solution to an otherwise difficult sloping area. It's been like this since about May.

Happy Sunday. It's raining here.
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  1. It looks so pretty and natural.

  2. Very clever...sort of like making lemonade when you end up with a lemon.
    Quiet, sunny, autumnal Sunday morning here Cro...just gorgeous. How goes the reno?

  3. Wow, that is spectacular!!! The picture looks just great on your blog.

  4. There is nothing more beautiful than a field of wildflowers. How nice you get to look at it anytime you want. You should take a picture of it with a child prancing around in it (if your neighbor allows). Have done that, and it is magical and a memorable photo.

  5. You must be delighted that this is now your view.
    Does it change with the seasons? Wild flowers can be so delicate.
    Thanks for sharing

  6. A wonderful place for small wildlife to find a refuge and every garden needs to set aside an area for the plants to grow wild. Good for butterflies too.

  7. Wild flowers are gorgeous. There are prairies here in Kansas filled with these things, and I just love the variety of types and colors so much. Very pretty!
