Friday 16 September 2011

My Mother and a Fishing Rod.

May I introduce my late mother. It's amazing, she's almost a double for my youngest son; a wonderful thing, genetics.

Mother was a spender; there was nothing in life she enjoyed more than spending money; either on herself or on others.

At one time, after having read an article in the Financial Times, she became the owner of one of the best private collections of boxed pairs of dualing pistols in the UK. She simply went out and bought every pair available by the top quality gun makers Egg, and Manton (as advised by the FT). Then just prior to a world trip that my parents took together, I took the whole collection to Sotherby's for her; and that was that!

Like many women (I suspect), she would buy large quantities of clothes and hide them away so that she was able to say, at a later date, 'Oh, I've had it for ages'.

Way back in the 60's I remember her buying a stainless steel sink and taps. She had absolutely no need for such things, but simply considered them a bargain. They remained in a shed for many years until I eventually found them a home. I could go on with a thousand other examples, but I'm sure you get the picture.

I'm writing all of this because, as our house is in complete turmoil at the moment, strange things are turning-up. I've just found an old fishing rod that she bought for me at an auction in the early 80's. It's in a long green rod bag, and, I think, has never been opened (certainly never by me); so I'll go and do that now.

And here it is. It's in pristine condition, and obviously well made. The makers name is Milward, but that means nothing to me. This is the first time it's seen daylight for over 30 years (maybe a lot longer); I just hope it doesn't suddenly turn to dust.

Now, where's that pond?

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  1. Given the resources, I think my mother may have had the same tendencies. Happy fishing.

  2. (popping in from Delores' feathered nest)

    Lovely story. Mums with an extensive collection of duelling pistols are either cool or seriously scary. Yours sounds like the first kind. :-)

    I wonder what else you're going to find.

  3. now why cant we all have these kind of "art" shots taken of ourselves nowadays....?

  4. Ah Cro...mothers don't you love them...mine said exactly the same to dad.." oh that it's ages old" I've learnt well...good job that the potter is non techie!

  5. What a character you mother was and a beautiful woman too. Those are fond and good memories

  6. Beautiful photo of your Mum Cro.
    I think you need a call to the Antiques Roadshow about that fishing rod...I hear they love pristing things that come in the original wrapping!

  7. I giggled at your memories of your Mom and admired her photo - such a beautiful, regal woman! Over for a visit from The Feathered Nest.

  8. Oh Cro, she's so pretty. And what a character.

  9. How wonderful. Finding that fishing rod was like getting a gift from your mother all over again. And it made you think about your mother, so it was like a gift right back to her.

  10. I'm now wondering if my mother ever saw the rod either. When she was at an auction, if something wasn't selling she'd often just make a silly bid and bang, it was hers.

  11. Wow, a gift from the past. Cool!

    Yes, I use that line also - "had it for ages" -after I pull it from the bag under the bed where I have been hiding it for a week or so. We really think we are pulling something over on you men, but I guess not.

    Your son was fortunate to inherit your mother's good looks. She is lovely.

  12. Hmmm. Financially ou might want to consider putting that little beauty away back in its bag Cro. A pristine, unused rod like that might fetch a bob or two to the right chap (not on ebay though for heavens sake).

    Saying that, it's always a shame when Hardy or Allcock tackle gets confined to someones 'collection' as they were meant to be used.

    Put a bend in it for me Cro.

  13. How sweet and lovely your mother is in that photo. Sounds like she was a savvy buyer!

  14. That's a lovely picture of your mother, Cro. She must have enjoyed what she bought and she obviously had good taste.

  15. She looks soft spoken and dimiuitive in stature, fairie like but obviously her spirit was huge. Enjoy your other treasures as well

  16. I've so enjoyed meeting your mother through this post - a gentle face and a lot of character!

  17. This is such a lovely picture of your mother...I think she would be very happy for you to find that pond, Cro...
