Friday 23 September 2011

Monty; complete.

Today Monty goes for the 'snip'. I'm not really sure why we're doing this to him, other than it may stop him wandering. At least that's Lady Magnon's reasoning.

So, goodbye to your family jewels. I do hope you'll still be talking to us when you come home later this afternoon.

Thanks to Viv for the photo.
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  1. Aaw, poor Monty. Will he bark in a higher voice afterwards?

  2. His present bark is the equivalent of a canine Barry White.... so we shall see!

  3. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh

  4. If they had done that to you at that age, you'd still be in Suffolk, Cro.

  5. You are being a responsible pet owner Cro...he'll be just fine.

  6. 'Tis a far better thing you do Cro, than populate France with little Montys lovely as he is.

  7. He'll never know what snipped him!!! He will stay home more.

  8. He'll be a not-full Monty, but he'll still be handsome. It's for the best. This will keep him from marking everything, especially inside the house. Don't feel bad.

  9. It is most definitely against nature however, I presume he has had a fling or two - I hope :) Why is it that women seem always to want dogs to be castrated, when it is just as easy for bitches to be spayed.

  10. Heron. This was my feeling exactly. However, he's now home again and looking fine. I just hope there will be no future psychological effects.

  11. Poor baby. He'll be fine. (Although if he's like our Buck after we got him "fixed," he may lay on his back frequently to show everyone his "boo boo.")

  12. Glad to know your boy has come through his "op" OK.
