Tuesday 6 September 2011

A Double First.

The first of this year's Chestnuts have started to fall, and one amongst our recently purchased hens has laid her first egg.

We haven't kept Chickens for over 30 years, but the delight of finding that first egg never fades. And, by the look of the one above, it has to be a double-yolker!

Yes, it was. And I can assure you that it was doubly DEE-LISH-OUS.
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  1. Fantastic! You must be egg-static. Hope you shared it.

  2. having an egg so soon after arrival!
    you are doing something right with your girls

  3. Eggcellent!

    Nothing like your first home layed egg.

  4. Hey Cro did you ever take the axe up...hope not...hope they just came to the right time to lay,looks fabulous.

  5. I did Carole, and it seems to have worked. So far I've had just the above and two soft shelled eggs that I discarded. I think they're getting the hang of it!

    John. I think it's since we named them; they're just trying to prove that, even with the name Richard, they're still capable of laying eggs.

  6. I don't like eggs but they look good in pictures - chestnuts are even better.

  7. Oh, I know what you mean about getting excited over that first egg!! We have not had chickens in years, and look forward to having some when B. retires from his day job. Those chestnuts are beautiful too.

  8. Here in Ontario we don't have edible chestnuts, only something called "horse chestnuts". Why they are called that I will never know. They have beautiful candelabra of flowers and kids collect the chestnuts to use for "conkers". How nice to have them edible.
    congrats on the egg

  9. What lovely chestnuts, I can't always find them here but when I do I get them! Yummy

  10. Congrats on all your bounty. I've never seen a double yolk before, so that's pretty interesting. Your hens must love you!

  11. Definitely a happy faced chicken as it's yokes show it all.

  12. congrates on the egg! Glad you've got some chickens, their so fun and a help in self-sufficiancy. Don't you just love to look at chestnuts, definately the prettest of nuts!linda

  13. Bonus yolk! It doesn't get much better than that!

  14. Chestnuts and eggs. But probably not at the same meal.
    "Well begun is half done," said the ancient Greeks.
