Sunday 28 August 2011

We're all going on a summer holiday.....

They sailed from Southampton to Bilbao, tested the waters of northern Spain, then, when at their destination, took to the boats again for a few laps around the pool. A holiday isn't a holiday without lots of water.

It's that time of year when small clothes are to be seen hanging on the washing line, and I'm called 'Grumpy' for a couple of weeks (not, this time, by Lady M).

Harvey J and Ollie (plus their parents) are with us again. Favourite toys have been re-discovered, scuffles break out over who plays with what, and chaos reigns where previously there was calm. It's WONDERFUL.
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  1. They grow up all too quickly. We will now have to wait for the great-grandchildren to have young ones around us again.

  2. How lovely Cro. have you made them a treasure map?if not you better before they go home..have fun with your lovely boys.

  3. We drove down to the fabulous lake in Sanguinet with the youngest, when H.I.'s daughter was pregnant with the youngest. What a fabulous piece of safe water - tree-fringed white sand slowly declining to crystal clear shallows for 500 yards. It was here that he said his first sentence: I said, "Get into the water, Marsden," and he said, "No, YOU get into the water!" He's now 19, and I miss the little boy.

  4. I meant 'the eldest', of course. Sorry.

  5. Let the boat races begin.

  6. Adventures galore, Carole. They'd never forgive me if I didn't!

  7. Grand kids are a delight. We fit them in our schedule as much as possible :)

  8. I completely get this post!! There is nothing like having the grands around for a few days. Enjoy the holiday.

  9. Cro, those boys are growing up at a rate of knotts. have a wonderful time with your grandchildren.

  10. And they both swam properly for the first time today.... another milestone passed.

  11. And so the exhilarating exhausting days reign. Enjoy!

  12. It must be so wonderful having your family at home with you. Hope the sun continues to shine during their stay. Those boys are cute.

  13. Fantastic. Have a wonderful time with them.x

  14. They are so stinking cute...I can't wait for grandkids...
