Wednesday 17 August 2011

Here Come The Girls.

It all started here at our local agricultural co-operative, where, some weeks ago, I ordered our 3 new point-of-lay hens. They arrived yesterday morning.

First things first, here are the little darlings having their wings clipped (with Cro wielding the clippers), You may have noticed that we've bought 'Turkens'; a rather ugly breed with bare necks, but with a reputation for being very good layers.

And here they are in their new hen-house. I'll leave them inside for a couple of days so that they understand fully that it's their new home.

I shall be checking the nesting boxes with great care. They'd better get to work pretty quickly; I don't suffer non-layers gladly.

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  1. Well done on joining the chicken gang, Cro.

    If your red-neck chooks are happy chooks they should start laying promptly. My first four hens started the day after I got them.

    That first egg is always the best tasting egg, ever...

  2. left over pasta is good to get them going!

    welcome to the chicken geek gang

  3. Have you given them names? Have they met Monty? I bet you can't wait to collect your first egg.

  4. Good point, John, cooked spaghetti is a real treat for my chooks - they love it.

    They like a nice apple to peck at too Cro - I know you must have thousands hanging about...

  5. There's a big apple tree in their run, and a plum, and a fig.

  6. Sue. I think I might have to do a 'John', and hold a 'name the hens' competition. I'll wait till my grandsons have been; they may like to name them.

  7. They look great Cro,there is nothing so nice as the clucking of a happy hen,other than their eggs of course.

  8. I'm so envious of you chicken-people! I would love to have them, unfortunately our little part of the world considers it 'highly unsuitable' will have to be a criteria of our next home...sigh...

  9. Well, we can say that, at least at your home, the chickens came FIRST. Hope the EGGS come a close second. Enjoy!

  10. Will we get to see a well designed plate of Coq Au Vin if the egg thing does not work out?

  11. We've just been talking about it.... I've given them a week!

  12. Give them more than a week at least. Being a Cro you should have some patience.

  13. That is a lovely looking little hen house.

  14. When I was a child, my grandmother had a few chickens and there was no more fun than looking for eggs each day!! (-and then getting pecked on the hand..) Good laying!!

  15. Delores. It's the 'Hilton' of hen houses!

  16. YAY They've arrived!! Welcome girlies - get on with it then!! ;)

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