Sunday 3 July 2011

Sunday Nonsense... Lumberjack?

I've not previously mentioned the name of my tiny village, simply for reasons of  privacy (mine, not theirs).

When my previous blog 'Je t'adore, twenty four' was up and running, I received a surprise visit from two English bicycle-riding blog tourists. They had worked out exactly where I lived from my descriptions, and even said that they would have recognised Haddock's (my veg' garden) anywhere! They were a very pleasant couple, but, even so, it was slightly dis-quietening to know that I could be so easily traced (think tax-man, angry husbands, my wine merchant, etc).

Anyway; so what's the name of my village?

Well, it's called 'Lumberjack'. At least that's what Mr Spell-check would have me call it; given half a chance.

We, of course, know it as something else.... but then we would, wouldn't we!


  1. Can't say that I blame you for wanting to protect your privacy! There are some very strange people in the world that we would not want popping up on our doorsteps. But when you're on the internet, anyone can find you for $30.!

  2. Hi Cro, looking at the wood made me smile having just come back from the bush getting wood.I think innocently sometimes people think they will look up someone from a place they are visiting,I think an axe murderer would slink along at night lol,but I do agree.

  3. I'm the same and have avoided naming where I live. You've got to protect yourself from the crazies!

  4. You could become part of the celebrity tourist trail. Coach trips to see Chateau Milandes, home of Josephine Baker, etc, Chez Cro, home of Lord and Lady Magnon featuring guided tour of Haddocks, brand new tower and star attraction, Monty!

  5. Can we add your house to the list of attractions?

  6. My goodness Sherry; what language is that!

  7. There's a guy in Bath, Cro, who's offering free overnight accommodation in his flat to anyone who's passing.

    I think you just ask for a Tim Stevens or something...

  8. CNN was doing a story on privacy. They talked about a website that anyone can access and find anyone and information about them. I had to look to see what it said about us. Freaked me out what is out there. Big Brother,eh?

  9. Chris. You're not thinking of Stephen Tomson are you? I've heard it's a bed, a meal, and a ten quid note, for all comers!

  10. I was on a forum once when some belligerent woman pissed me off somewhat. Her avatar photo was a close-up of one of her (startlingly green) eyes. I told her that I had used an online program of iris-recognition, so now I knew her name, address, everything. She disappeared pretty quick, along with her avatar.

  11. Careful Cro - I now know the name of your home town, thanks to the translator on my comp. I'm planning a stalking holiday in Southern France this year.

    It is also only a matter of time before 'Chris' gives away his personal details in an unguarded moment. Personally, I don't care if I give myself away (I have many times with photos, etc.), because if anyone makes it through the three-line defence system I have in this place, they will be met by a pissed-off Stephenson pointing a 12 bore in their general direction. There's always a warm welcome here in sunny Bath.

  12. You know what's in my head now, don't you? I dress in women's clothing and hang around in bars.
