Friday 22 July 2011

Retirement at last!

Godammit; today I officially retire, and I've decided that there are certain things that I shall no longer do; however much the pleading.

During my working life, I've practiced several different occupations (some seriously, others not so); this is a list of those that I am now ecstatically happy to have left behind. Trainee stockbroker, art gallery manager, antique dealer, teacher, stone cutter, furniture remover, theatre ASM (assistant stage manager), and seaside deckchair ticket salesman.

From now on I shall just paint. It's the only thing I can't really give up. It's also the only thing I'm actually qualified to do (not that that makes me any good at it).

Now, where did I leave my new Official Oldie's Zimmer Frame? It's got my brushes and colours tucked into one of those wicker basket thingies on the front!


  1. Hello:
    Many, many congratulations and have lots of fun too. We gave up the work ethic years ago and have never looked back.

    We cannot wait to reach the magical retirement age for here, in Hungary, all public transport, including the trains and National buses, will become totally free. One of the benefits of State owned industries.

  2. What a great way to start the day knowing it is retirement day. Imagine waking up each day knowing that it is all yours!We have 3 years to go and we are trying to prepare for it.
    As i looked through your jobs you have had a great selection,the deck chair one must have been a hoot!The furniture one must have been an absolute buggar of a job,you have earn't your time out that's for sure,now don't go dropping off your perch before you enjoy it!

  3. Carole, you're spot-on about the jobs. Furniture moving (a student days holiday job) was the worst. And the deck chairs (another holiday job) was great fun.

  4. St. Cro, now that you've retired, will you be retreating to your hermitage? Just wondered. You and Saint Frank. (Of Assisi.)

  5. Crikey, I thought you'd been retired for years Cro! I retired (at a very young age!) 5 years ago. Last year I decided I'd been a bit hasty and returned to the corporate rat race. After just one day I realised I'd made a terrible mistake and scuttled quickly and happily back to retirement. The freedom is just too hard to give up!

  6. I think he means that his little pension will be sent over to France for him now, Sue!

    Happy birthday (?) Cro. You did not mention your most important job - dresser to the world-famous Sandy Powell of sausages and fresh-egg renown.

  7. Happy Retirement! Looking forward to seeing lots of new paintings.

  8. prepare to be busier than you have ever been...that's usually how it goes.
    Is it really your birthday?

  9. Yes Jacqueline, I'm afraid it is!

  10. Wow...Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement on the same day....both happy means you are still alive and the other means that now you can enjoy it to the fullest. (Not that you already weren't). You will still be gardening I assume? and blogging? and fluffing up your tower? and cooking? and preserving? My folks used to say that they didn't know how they ever found time to go to work. I get it now.

  11. Well, congrats on reaching retirement. It looks like you've had quite a list of jobs there. I'm interested in that sign though. What IS that lady doing to that old man?? Retirement may not be so bad. Nudge, nudge, wink wink, knowwhatImean? (that's from Monty Python)

  12. Happy Birthday, and Happy Retirement! As long as we can ignore those pesky aches and pains, and avoid those dirty rotten lying mirrors, this is the best time of life. Time to do what YOU want to do. Enjoy!

  13. Hi Cro! You crop up daily in a good number of the blogs I read and I have kept meaning to visit you - have made it at last on the day of your retirement. Keep painting - and enjoy it - and (this is said through experience) don't let little jobs that crop up after retirment (gardening, shelving, cleaning etc.) side track you from the main issue - art (for art's sake now)

  14. Have fun with paint and senility.


  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Just a day before mine...doesn't that make us sort of kindred spirits?

  16. happy retirement/birthday Cro

  17. Happy Happy Birthday toooo yoooou, and happy retirement to you also, I envy you I would love nothing more than to be able to just do all of the things I love to do....I have a craft stash of mammoth proportion waiting for me to create wonders with, If I don't get to use it before I fall off my perch the kids will curse me when I'm gone. :o)

  18. congrads on the retirement... my reitrement has been any but ... as a caregiver for an elderly person, there is no retiring. But someday I will announce ... grandiously that I too am "officially" retired!!

    Right now I am just an unpaid worker!! :-)

  19. What I have found in retirement is that now I fit all those old people jokes. Let them laugh, let them laugh, I can now sleep in and they can't (although I am awake at the crack of dawn.

    Enjoy your passion and your life will be fulfilling. How lucky you are that you have a talent that you love and can pursue.

    Happy Birthday Cro and many more wonderful years of joie de vivre to you.
