Thursday 7 July 2011

Reluctant Star.

In 1978 a film version of Les misérables was shot quite close to where I live. It starred Anthony Perkins, John Gielgud, Celia Johnson, Flora Robson, and several other top-notch actors.

When time came to start filming they had still not found their Cosette, and the search was on.

Everyone said that my then 6 year old daughter 'Tenpin' was perfect for the part. She was the right age, she was quite slim, and with a minimum of make-up could easily have been made to appear 'gaunt'. She was also reasonably gregarious and stage savvy.

She was quite excited about the prospect of becoming a 'film star', and was eager to go. However, when we took her to meet the director, Glenn Jordan, she clammed-up; and refused to say a word (very out of character)!

Eventually the part was played by a girl named Caroline Ranglishe who was much too old, needed to be 100% dubbed (she spoke no English), and frankly was pretty useless.

Oh Tenpin. Had you only opened your mouth at that audition; you might now be divorcing your fifth husband, be appearing on the cover of Celebs-r-us Magazine, or be away on your regular visits to rehab. You might even have been making the obligatory 'Slimming the Cosette way' DVD. Oh well; stardom ain't all it's cracked up to be!

p.s. She now happily works for an Australian university.


  1. Hello:
    What a sad [or otherwise] twist of fate!!

  2. I think she won the best part she ever could, wife, mother and Aussie now all the best there is...bless her...

  3. Sounds like Tenpin (you & Mrs Cro included) had a lucky escape.


    I did once audition for television myself as one of the Teletubbies but didn't quite have the acting ability despite not really needed any make-up.

  4. Don't put your daughter on the stage, Mr Magnon...

  5. Probably just as well Cro...those celebs are, in general, a mixed up bunch. The universe smiled on you that day.

  6. me thinks you would have enjoyed yourself (albeit secretly) as perhaps JEAN VALJEAN?
    or perhaps Javert......

  7. Sounds more like a narrow escape to me Cro...phew!

  8. So many child stars do not come to happy endings.

  9. Methinks we all in agreement!

  10. It wasn't her destiny, Cro. Fascinating story.

  11. What a shame she clammed up and yet it was obviously the best - the Australian University looks a far better option!

  12. BTW Cro, I remember that movie well and loved it. I also saw the Liam Nesson version in the 90's and that was also good. It is one of my favorite stories.

  13. Whew, 'twas a narrow escape, for sure. Maybe her little girl antennae picked up something she didn't like about that director. It would've been nice if she'd earned wheelbarrows filled with money, but eh ... all's well that end's well. And it certainly sounds like her life turned out well without the stardom.
