Thursday 28 July 2011

Monty Comes of Age.

There are rites of passage for humans and animals alike.

I've been waiting with baited breath for 6 month old Monty to 'cock his leg' for the first time (rather than squat), and today he obliged.

This morning I was out with Monty, his friend Bok, and The Black Bastard. The BB had a pee; leg in air. Bok then followed; also leg in air. Then Monty, not wanting to look too girlie, also used the same leg-lifting method.

Oh how grown-up he looked. No longer a pup, but a dog who's taken his place amongst respectable male leg-lifting canine society.

And, of course, there's the new proud owner who can now show off his dog in public; in the knowledge that he does things correctly (at last). That's-a ma boy!


  1. Congratulations Cro, you must be cock-a-hoop!

  2. Lol how cute but sad also as your puppy is almost grown!

  3. I remember when max did that for the first time, then he would not stop doing it, going for a walk was a nightmare

  4. Well done to Monty!

    It's taken me 40 odd years to learn how to do the same.

  5. beware cro
    you are venturing into my small "animal obsessed" world where a chickens' fart can fill a whole blog!!!

  6. It can only get worse when the chickens arrive!

  7. My sweet dog Teddy would never point and shoot. he always squatted for some reason, but oh well, it was cute.

    Good for you Monty! Now, uh . . . don't get out of control with the aiming and everything will be fine.

  8. When the children grow up, dad is always proud, mom's cry.

  9. Our Petey is 3 years old and still squats now and then. Can't wait for the chicken stories either! Enjoy your blog.

  10. Yay, Monty! Years ago, after leaving one of our dogs in the house for most of the day, he all but flew out the door when we got home. Poor little guy held his leg up so long ... he fell over! Funniest thing I ever saw. (He wasn't amused, I'm sure.)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Too funny. My 3 grand dogs all have a different technique. Grimace, the Pug always lifts his leg ... never saw him squat. Meathead, the bulldog, does a mix of squating and leg lifting. Milo, the French Bulldog, lifted his leg exactly once upon coming to maturity. But he is a squater.

    All are males!!

    My daughter and I was just commenting on this exact topic during last night's dog walk.
