Saturday 9 July 2011

Marché des Producteurs (Lumberjack).

Every Thursday evening, in July and August, our village is host to a mass evening picnic where locally produced food is on sale, trestle tables and benches are kindly provided, and having a 'good time' is obligatory. We take our own wine, our own knives and forks, and even on occasions our own candelabra.

Above is my highly tanned nearby boulangere, whose husband makes some of the best bread in the world. I bought a whopping great loaf from her, half of which I later forced into the freezer.

And this lovely lady (Marie) is the wife of our current village Mayor. As a day-job she runs a canning business; foie gras, confit, paté, etc (see front of stall). On Thursday evenings she sells barbecued duck breasts; I bought three; one for Lady M, two for me (pig!). I always ask for them 'pas trop cuit' (pink).

And just so we don't catch rickets or scurvy, I also bought a couple of simple salads from these two lovelies.

This was the first of this year's picnics, and providing the weather remains fine we shall return every week. A wonderful evening, and the vittles absolutely delicious .

The price? Well, let's say that my back pocket hardly felt any lighter on leaving, than when I'd arrived.
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  1. Hello:
    What a lovely idea and how utterly splendid all of this appears to be. We should certainly be there each week to take advantage of excellent local produce at reasonable prices.

  2. We were there with some guests from South Africa. They thought it was fantastic. People of all ages, eating together, and having a good time. It's an event we look forward to every year.

  3. I didn't see you Sue. We really must meet up sometime. We were with some Canadians!

  4. I used to love this! Such a wonderful way for everyone to come together. Good times

  5. I saw you Cro, but I'm a bit shy! No sign of Monty though, or was he hiding under your table?

  6. Fantastic life-style - Yet again, I am envious.

  7. What a lovely way to spend an evening.

  8. THIS is the France I believe I would most enjoy. The bright lights and world-famous attractions of Paris would be wonderful, I'm sure, but to experience the sort of outing you describe would be to better understand the heart and "joie de vivre" of the people.

  9. What a fantastic tradition, I wish we had more like it in the States. What a delicious way to bond with your jealous!

  10. I was fortunate to visit a couple of village market days when I was in France....such wonderful things to buy and eat, so much that we cannot get in the US, particulary the different cuts of meat and poultry. And the bread, well I don't want to even think about the wonderful, wonderful bread. (-:

    Thank you for visiting me a leaving such a nice comment on my birdhouses...and no they really don't get many occupants but I like them anyway. Have a great day.

  11. What a lovely mountain of bread. I think I could eat a whole loaf right now. mmm

  12. That is such a wonderful idea for a small town or village. A great way to meet neighbours and one doesn't have to cook dinner. I would make a habit of this.

  13. Cro, what a fabulous spread - looks delicious

  14. I love Wales but think I need to get to France. Haven't had a fix this year. The logistics have now got way more complicated but going away to muse and plot. Lovely blog.

  15. Stupidly, here in Ontario Canada, we have laws against drinking in unlicenced places. IF such an event were to occur, someone would have to apply and pay for a licence and keep people within a designated area. All somehow in the name of public safety (and sobriety I suspect). Totally ridiculous!

  16. I am casting you as the red faced farmer in my movie ok?

    no salary but all you can eAT

  17. Sounds like the loveliest thing to go to ,maybe we should start a little something in our town...then again not the same lol.

  18. Oh Jacqueline. If they had laws like that over here, there'd be serious riots!!
