Wednesday 13 July 2011

The garden, mid-July.

We've had so little rain this year that I'm amazed everything is so lush.

When it's hot at midday we head for the shade. This spot above is also perfect for a little afternoon siesta beneath the bug proof netting (providing that a dog hasn't got there first).

Of course, the best way to cool off is here. Splish, splash, splosh. 100 metres gentle up-n-down breaststoke, then back to work.

Haddock's is now at full strength (except for the tomatoes), and I'm also managing to keep the weeds under control. By now I should have already begun to preserve my ratatouille etc, but I refuse to buy-in the tomatoes; I'll just have to wait. Meanwhile all my excess gets either given away, or, worse, composted.

And in the background, that's our tiny new (3) chicken run. No hens as yet, and no wire enclosure. For some reason I can't buy any 'point of lay' hens until mid-August.... but then, in this heat, I don't suppose they'd do much laying anyway.
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  1. This post suggests a glimpse into a lovely life.


  2. That's a very posh hen house. Looking forward to chicken licken tales. (We're picking cherry tomatoes now although the bigger types are still green.)

  3. Sue, I've had just a few 'Roma' Italian plum toms. No doubt one day soon we'll all have a GLUT.

  4. Hello:
    Oh, how wonderful this all looks to be. The shady siesta spot is perfect, somewhere we can easily imagine ourselves settling down for a lazy afternoon with a good book. And, how beautifully neat and productive your vegetable garden appears to be with, now, the addition of its most stylish chicken coop.

  5. Careful Cro, you may end up like John being terrorized by your own fowl.

  6. What a lovely place you live at! You have to compost your veggies? Send them east to my place *lol*
    Love the hen house. they sell this type of wooden "cages" for rabbits over here.

  7. Tina. My Daughter-in-Law (Eva) comes from Bayreuth.... not too far from you I think.

    re the Chicken house. If you go to the same shop and ask for a Rabbit house; they probably sell you the same thing!

  8. Wow you do have something to "Cro" about, what a perfect place to cool down and the vegetables look lush and healthy I envy you that lovely warm weather, we have -6 and heavy frosts here in the mornings and its raining as I type.

  9. Chris. And when you have 35 C, it's us who have the frost. Keep warm.

  10. cro...that just looks like one perfect spot for chilling. So Provence!

  11. Haddocks looks brilliant! I picked the first of our tomatoes yesterday!

  12. Haddocks is certainly looking very lush and vibrant and I'm glad you finally got your chook house. Will look forward to seeing posts about the varmints when you get them!! You live in a beautiful place Cro.

  13. Well what can I say it looks wonderful,the room,the garden,the pool and the chicken house is the same as ours,I can tell you in advance that your girls will absolutely love it!

  14. Carole. This confirms what I'd expected; that it's probably CHINESE, and sold the world over!!

  15. Hens! They're all the rage in Seattle these days. I like to think of them as Boutique Fowl with all their modded-out houses and chicken bric-a-brac. Alas, I am hen-free.

  16. :-) about the rabbit/chicken house!
    Well Bayreuth isn`t just around the corner but closer than Dordogne. But I haven't ever been there...
