Monday 25 July 2011

Chez PoPaul.

Restaurants come and go; they are rarely permanent fixtures.

However there was one, about 50 kms away from us, that we thought would be there forever.

Chez PoPaul (The Hotel des Voyageurs at Beaumont du Périgord) had such a reputation that one needed to book weeks in advance (rare for here), and diners would fly in from abroad just for the evening. We ourselves made the 100 km round-trip on many occasions, and would still be doing so today had it not closed.

A typical meal consisted of lobster and sea-food bisque (magnificent), a GIANT plateau de fruits de mer (unbelieveable), a HUGE steak (oh, yes!)..... At this stage we were already groaning... Cheese (mountainous selection), desert (chosen from hundreds), café and pousse café. All was definitely pre Michel Guérard.

I could go on about PoPaul ad infinitum, but nothing can adequately describe the pure gastronomic delight of the place. It was reasonably expensive, but not overly so, and if Kings really did eat like Kings, then this was certainly a Palace worthy of their patronage (famous faces were commonplace; but I never saw any Kings).

Sadly it all came to an end about 25 years ago, and I don't suppose its like will ever be seen again.

Above is a picture taken after our final visit; although, of course, we didn't know that at the time. Cro, Lady Magnon, and young Kimbo M, all looking delightfully well fed and watered. The occasion, I think, was Wills's 8th birthday (he and Tenpin jointly took the picture), and I seem to remember that we were just off to do some serious 'rough dancing' at the Beaumont village fête.

The picture lives in our sitting room.  Memories, memories!
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  1. Hello:
    Such places, which are of course iconic, are, very regrettably, few and far between. But they do live on in one's memory as clearly Chez PoPaul continues to do for you.

  2. To start with I thought it was a photo from your birthday last week but, of course, it is a different son and different year.

  3. What great memories you have of the place, best to go out on a high note as you only have fond memories of it.

  4. Some super seafood on the continent. Britain, despite being an island state, has a pitiful amount of excellent seafood restaurants inland considering the relative proximity to the sea for everyone here.

    You have aged very well indeed Cro and Lady M. looks lovely.

  5. I was just getting really excited at the thought of a brilliant new place to eat. Now I am crushed that we are 25 years too late.

  6. We went back to a favourite restaurant recently only to discover it had been turned into a Buddhist Retreat!

  7. Very sad. But it made a great picture!

  8. How sad that a restaurant like this went belly up, and yet places like McDonald's seem to go on forever.

  9. Can't figure out where the picture of canned haggis fits into all of this Cro?

  10. The canned haggis got there by mistake. I took it out at once (and buried it?). I pressed the wrong button (my life's story). Another time. Bizarre!

  11. Pizza places, Chinese restaurants, and fast food drive-ins never die. An excellent restaurant, with gourmet food, wonderful ambience and a professional staff usually last only a few years around here. Not to worry though, after closing, they always open someplace else under a new name. A great chef will find his way.

  12. Why is it we just find a great place and it closes? so annoying

  13. That's a lovely picture of you all! good restaurants are so rare. What a shame this one had to close!

  14. you remind me of geoffry rush
    (without his pirate hat on of course)

  15. Wonderful pic! I came over to say I like haggis, but I don't see any!

  16. Willow. You will! And John, I have no idea who Geoffrey Rush is but I'll go now and look up the name.

  17. How lovely to share your memories - you all look very fine. Don't know what 'rough' dancing is, but can imagine!

  18. I have been spending time with a few old pictures on my blog as well. I love looking back with pictures and memories. Thanks for sharing this little spot of happiness.

  19. Bonjour, I am French but live in Seattle. My sister in law is from that region and we used to go to Popaul for their incredible lunch buffet. No one seems to remember it ? It had buffet after buffet of seafoods, crudités, charcuteries, salads, etc.... and that was supposed to be the appetizers. The waiter would then come to our table and ask what main course we wanted !! I could never eat after the appetizers !~ I assume it closed because Popaul retired. It was such a fun place. Monique
